Chapter 4 - The Seireitei

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Ari Kurosaki's POV

All I see is darkness. Am I dead or alive? I asked myself over and over. It was quiet and cold.

I gasped shooting upright in an sitting position, from the bed I was laying in placed along the floor. I cried as I clutched my abdominal that was now bandaged up. I took in my surroundings, as I looked around the room it looked like a house, there was shoji sliding doors that led outside to a beautiful garden area. I was so confused as I thought back to the last thing I saw before passing out. It was 2 tall figures, if only I could make-out their faces that's what was frustrating I groaned annoyed. Damn! Vision. I don't know if they are good or if they're my enemy. But for now I don't see them as a threat! considering they saved my life but still who ever brought me here can't be trusted so easily.

I decided to slowly lay back down I could feel my wound start to open from the pressure of sitting up for too long. The pain subsided a little as I laid back down. I sighed in relief. Feeling more comfortable, I felt tired and I could feel myself drifting back to sleep, which I didn't mind I did feel exhausted.

I fluttered my eyes open and awoke to people quietly chatting amongst themselves my vision took a few seconds to adjust to the bright lighting around the room. As my vision became clearer, I noticed the 2 men from the rukon district. My eyes widen in shock not expecting them to save me from that hollow. "Aww your finally awake little one". The man with the glasses and brunette shaggy hair spoke softly, without me knowing his name yet. I turned my head in his direction indicating that I gave him my full attention.

I still have this weird feeling about this man but right now I guess I can trust him.

"We have a lot to discuss". He stated calmly. Again I wore a confused expression upon my face not sure of what we will discuss? If it will be good or bad?. "Well I'm leaving to report the assignment don't scare her too much aye!". The blonde haired man wearing the same Shihakusho attire as the man with the glasses but he was also wearing a white Haori I just stared in confusion at his words to his subordinate.

The man with the shaggy brown hair and glasses gazed at his superior, and kindly he nodded in response and left the room quietly. which made me feel more tense being left alone with this man.

"Now relax little one, we won't kill you if that's what your thinking?" He reassured I almost forgot to breathe how did he know what I was thinking? This man is crazy.

"So after last nights incident, it was you that has been destroying all the hollows in district to district for the last 2 years?" He questioned knowing the answer but asked to make sure.

I nodded my head in response. He took that as a hint to keep talking. "Your abilities are very strong for someone your age, and size. That's why the head captain and I have enrolled you in the Shin'ō Academy. This time I sat up from my laying position "what". I said with a shocked tone, not liking that these strangers enrolled me in a place I know nothing about, and instantly I regretted it I groaned in pain from my abdominal. "Take it easy, little one your still recovering". He soothed. "How long was I out for?" I asked getting off topic, avoiding the real issue at hand.

"It has been a week". He stated, while looking out into the garden. I softened my gaze and sighed. "Where am I?" I asked yet another question. "This is the soul society, and your in the seireitei.

The more questions I asked the more overwhelmed I felt. "This academy will it make me stronger?" I asked sternly. He brought his gaze back to me and locked his eyes with mine. "If you work hard little one then of course". He lightly grinned with his eyes shut.

"I want to protect all the innocent souls and beings from anything bad in the world". I stated with aspired look in my eyes. "That's good, then the Shin'ō Academy will point you in that direction".

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