Chapter 54 - The Invisible Enemy! (Filler)

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Toshiro Hitsugaya's POV

I decided to call Rangiku and let her know of the situation. I placed my soul pager against my ear waiting for her to answer.

"Yes" she simply replied

"It's me Rangiku, listen up I spotted the mock Arrancar and almost caught it. But it managed to escape".

" where are you now Captain?" Rangiku questions

"I'm downtown watching over a soul who was attacked, I made a couple of attempts to interrogate him, but he is extremely terrified and won't speak. I'm heading back in a couple of minutes".

"Understood! In that case we will head back to."

"Alright got it, we will meet up at-". I stopped myself mid sentence noticing something behind me, and I dropped my soul pager.

"Captain are you their?" I could hear Rangiku call through the phone as the arrancar kicked away the device.

I held out my Zanpakutō in defense, and The ugly beast began to laugh. " I should have guessed". It can't be, he disguised himself as a human soul, that must be how he kept himself hidden while preying on unsuspecting victims I mentally thought.

The arrancar charged at me at a fast pace but I wasted no time in countering back and quickly sliced off its arm, the arrancar groaned aloud as it's arm fell to the ground. The arrancar quickly changed back into a human soul and ran off down the street.

I quickly chased behind him reaching a corner that lead to an open road but I came to a holt when the man was no where in sight. "I've lost him".

I flashed stepped on a tall metal beam of a construction sight trying to get a better advantage point in hopes to find him. "I can't even track his spiritual pressure".

Suddenly Yumichika appeared on my left side. "Captain Hitsugaya". He calls

"Yes Yumichika".

"Rangiku was very worried. Are you alright sir". He asked concerned.

"I'm afraid another problem has developed".

"Huh". Yumichika held a confused expression.

I turned to face Yumichika. "I will explain it to the team, just as soon, as we all get back."

(Timeskip) to Orihime's apartment.

I was In a hurry to get back to the apartment to check on Ari not hearing from her all day it made me worry a little. Once arriving I opened the front door to see Rangiku, Yumichika, Shōta and yui in the lounge room.

"Captain I thought something terrible had happened when you got cut off". Rangiku says in worry.

"No I just let my guard down and dropped my soul phone that's all". I firmly reassured my lieutenant.

"I'm glad that your alright".

"So where's Ikkaku and Ari?" I questioned sternly.

"Out patrolling the town keeping watch, and Captain Kurosaki I'm sure she is doing the same". He informed.

I furrowed my eyebrows still very worried about her. "Captain I think I figured something out about the appearance of this arrancar." Rangiku mentions.

"Oh! You have."

"Yes I have been analyzing the situation and we may have just lucked out".

"Then tell us what you know. I've observed something about the enemy as well. You report first and we will compare notes." I asked sternly. Before Rangiku, Yumichika and I decided to take a seat on the floor knowing that this might take a little while discussing things. 

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