Chapter 17 - Reality of the Despair part 2

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Part 2.

Ari Kurosaki's POV

I suddenly awoke from my deep slumber, only remembering what situation I was in. I thought for sure that Aizen killed me, but here I am still well and some what breathing. I lightly grunted in pain at my wound being left untreated. I rolled gently from my side onto my stomach so I can see what mess has been made while I have been unconscious. My eyes widen in shock, the whole Seijōtōkyorin was covered in ice knowing who was capable of doing this, that means Toshiro is here but where? As I scanned the room of what I can see, I find him unconscious covered in blood a few meters in front of me, my heart cracked at the sight seeing him defeated. But he wasn't the only one I saw unconscious momo too was laying on her side with blood surrounding around her body. I tore my gaze away from toshiro and momo not being able to look at what Aizen has done to them.

My eyes turned to slits as they landed on the evil man walking down the short staircase if only I wasn't injured I would kill him myself I angrily thought.

"Captain Aizen, no that's wrong after what I've witnessed it wouldn't be right to call you captain any longer. sosuke aizen your title is high traitor" Captain Unohana spoke sternly.

I guess the only thing I can do now is listen in to this conversation and try to help in anyway I can.

"Well hello captain Unohana I have to admit that your arrival is not completely unexpected. I knew you would figure out that I was staying here". Aizen informed knowingly

"It was the only explanation, Seijōtōkyorin had been declared totally off limits to everyone, this location was perfectly suited for you to carry out the plans you had in mind. You needed to hide away in complete isolation after you staged your own death without exquisitely designed corpse doll, and what better place then all of the Seireitei for you to go completely undetected that was your plan at least wasn't it?". Captain Unohana explained firmly.

"Not quite, some of that is true but you did make 2 mistakes. Let me clear things up for you, first of all I have no need to hide from anyone that's not what I came here for, and secondly what your looking at here is not a corpse doll". Aizen explained, while holding up another body of himself in front of captain Unohana and lieutenant Kotetsu they both gasped in shock not believing what they were seeing and neither was I.

"But when did he". Lieutenant Kotetsu said in shock.

"When did I What. I have been standing here holding it the whole time, it's been right in front of you. You simply weren't able to see it, that's because I didn't allow you to see it until just now. Aizen continued to explain.

"What do you mean?" Lieutenant Kotetsu asked.

"You soon will understand, I'm going to release my zanpakuto shatter Kyōka Suigetsu". Aizen called out his zanpakuto, the body he was once holding shattered into pieces and his zanpakuto appeared. Captain Unohana and lieutenant Kotetsu and I gasped bewildered. He dropped his zanpakuto and it fell in the wooden staircase standing upright.

"This is my zanpakuto Kyōka Suigetsu, it's ability is perfect hypnosis". Aizen spoke in aw about his zanpakuto.

"Impossible it couldn't change Kyōka Suigetsu has always been a running water type zanpakuto it fused the defuses reflection of mist to confuse its enemies into attacking each other. You yourself explained it to us exactly how it works captain Aizen, and we saw it with our own eyes you specially gathered all the lieutenant's together because you wanted to demonstrate it". Lieutenant Kotetsu raised her voice.

"I see now your demonstration was actually the hypnosis ritual." Captain Unohana stated.

"Your catching on quickly, complete hypnosis controls all 5 scenes and is able to cause every dimension of a target including its form, shape, mass, feel, and smell, even its vocal patterns in the way its tastes to perfectly replicate that of an enemy. in other words it is possible for me to make a fly to appear to be a dragon, and all I need to do to active it is simply show my enemies, my zanpakuto's Kanzen Saimin's release." Aizen nonchalantly explained. "The power of my zanpakuto is limited only by my mind, because who ever lays there eyes on it even once will be hypnotized into doing my bidding whenever I release my Kyōka Suigetsu".

"Even once... but ahhh!". Captain Unohana gasped in realization

"I see that you figured it out!, very good. You see who ever lays there eyes on it falls under my spell so unfortunately those who can't see will never be under my power, in other words Kaname Tōsen was always my subordinate." Aizen smirked slyly

"My my little Ari you have finally awoken." Aizen Said with a smirk. My eyes widen in fear.

He walked back up the short staircase and stood in front of me, he bend down to my level and clutched on my kimono top, I grunted out in pain as he dragged me up off the wooden floorboards and walked back down to the lower level standing beside gin. I tried to thrust myself out of his strong grip, but it resulted in me groaning in pain from my wound.

"Your coming with me". Aizen stated calmly.

Captain Unohana and Lieutenant Kotetsu gasped seeing the sight of me. "Captain Kurosaki". Lieutenant Kotetsu called out.

Then suddenly gin let out a long white ribbon spiraling around the 3 of us. I gasped in fright, not understanding where we're going.

"I want to commend you Unohana, you examined my body far more thoroughly then any of the others that you felt even a bit of suspicion well under the influence of my hypnotic spell I find most remarkable, I congratulate you and bid you farewell, I don't think I will ever see any of you again." Aizen praised captain Unohana impressed by her intelligence and said his goodbye.

He gripped on my kimono tighter as the white ribbon started to turn into a mini tornado around us. I grunted at the force and clutched my hands around Aizen's wrist trying to pull him off. As the long white ribbon settled down, it reveled that we were on Sōkyoku Hill my eyes widen in shock, taking in my surroundings I also see Tōsen beside Renji and Rukia, and they were looking just as confused as I was.

"Welcome Renji". Aizen said nonchalantly, while tugging on my kimono top keeping me behind him out of view.

(A/N): okay because episode 60 & 61 were longer episodes then usual and more difficult to write and put into words so I'm parting them into 2. I hope that your all enjoying the chapters so far. I can't wait to write more.

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