Chapter 65 - Weakness (filler)

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Ari Kurosaki's POV

I was currently laying flat with my arms spread out on soft green grass outside in the court yard, of the 4th squad barracks.
The sun was shining brightly in the seireitei this late afternoon.

I probably wasn't allowed out of my bed but I just couldn't resist the urge to enjoy the nice sun upon my skin.

I heard loud chatter in the 4th barracks. It sounded like someone yelling in distress. I exhale a loud sigh, well that was enjoyable, while it lasted. I only got an hour to myself in the bright sun.

"There she is". A distressed voice called out.

I sit up from my laying position seeing 2 squad 4 members standing in front of me.

"Captain Kurosaki." They both say and formally bow. "Sorry but Lieutenant Kotetsu wants you back in bed now".

I gently nod in understanding and raise to my feet. Following behind them going back towards my room. Upon entering I see an upset looking Isane standing with her arms crossed against her chest. "Captain Kurosaki, you can't just wonder off without permission. Do you want those wounds of yours to reopen. Do you want me to tell Captain Unohana about this?". She scolded me.

I lightly laugh, while putting up my hands in surrender hoping she won't bring Captain Unohana into this. " Isane! We don't need to tell Captain Unohana. I'm sorry that I snuck off to enjoy some alone time".

"If you want some alone time, you have to tell me Captain Kurosaki". She firmly mentions.

I took a step back and felt something rather solid behind me. I quickly turn around and see Toshiro also standing there with his arms crossed against his chest with irritated expression. I was like a deer caught in headlights, frozen in place.

"So I was walking through the 4th barracks corridor and overheard you sunk out without permission."

I couldn't seem to find any words to come out my mouth as I stood in complete silence, more like embarrassment, holding a very awkward flushed smile on my face.

"You can't keep doing this Ari. You need to get better". Toshiro softly reminds me.

"Toshiro I promise that I'm-" just as I was about to reassure him. I felt light headed and cut myself short from saying anything more. I could feel liquid burning up my throat.

"Ari! Ari what's wrong?" Toshiro says in worry.

I violently coughed, as I fell to the wooden floorboards on my knees. Toshiro was quick to my aid, right beside me on the floorboards.
I was still coughing loudly, and I placed my hand over my mouth, trying not to cough on Toshiro.
In my hand, i see red liquid and not just a little amount either. It was all in my palm and it dripped to the floor. My eyes widen in fright. "Is this blood".

Then suddenly it's all a blur. Toshiro lifts me up in his arms and brings me over to my bed, I hear Isane directing her subordinates around the room, and I see a few heads staring down at me as I'm laying down.
I could feel myself start to fall unconscious, the voices becoming more muffled. But the last thing I heard clearly.
"Ari please be okay!"

(Time-skip) - 3 days later
4th squad barracks

I gasped, and shoot upwards in the bed I was laying in. Panicked, and frightened. I look around the room, as realization hits me remembering that I'm in the 4th squad barracks, I sigh in relief. the last thing I do remember is coughing up blood and falling unconscious, seeing Toshiro, seeing his face, seeing it so worried.

I look down to my right wrist, seeing an IV drip with a strip of white tape covering the needle part of the IV.

I exhale a sigh, and fall back flat on the bed. Staring up towards the white ceiling.
I suddenly hear the door slide open and I see my Lieutenant Shūhei, he walks inside and closes the door behind him.

His frown turns to a light smile in relief seeing me awake. "Captain your awake! How do you feel? You had us worried sick!" He says standing next to my bed.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you all. I'm feeling okay, a little confused though." I frown not being able to look at my Lieutenant. "Where is Toshiro?" I gently ask.

"Captain Hitsugaya was here this morning. But he had to rush to a Captain's meeting". Shūhei explains calmly.

my eyes widen, and I sit up again in my bed. From the sudden movement, I could feel myself getting nauseous. I place my hand on my head in a grunt. Shūhei was quick to my aid and placed his hands on my shoulders. Please take it easy Captain". He says, softly and helps me lay back down on the bed.

"The Head Captain is aware of you being in the 4th barracks, so please don't stress." He tried to reassure me.

I exhale a breath I didn't know I was holding in, and gently nod my head in understanding. I hate how weak this makes me feel, but I would never tell them that, or maybe I might.

Shūhei also releases a sigh in relief. He pulls up a chair next to my bed and takes a seat. Shūhei held a black expression while staring at me sternly. It made me feel uncomfortable. "Shūhei what do you want me to say? Im sorry, that I wondered off by myself in the court yard. The idea was harmless. I honestly didn't think I would cough up blood like that, did you?" I sternly state, getting annoyed at the constant scolding from everyone around me.

Shūhei looks towards his feet and sighs. "Captain no one thought that would happen, you had us all worried, I'm not attacking you if thats what you think this is? Because it's not. I don't think you realize how it makes us all feel when your hurt. We care about you a lot and we just want to make sure your okay thats all."

After hearing his words, it was sweet but why do I feel like I'm less capable or again being in this state physically makes me feel so weak to my core and I hate it. It was so silent we could hear footsteps from the corridor of the 4th squad member's walking around.

I wasn't planing to express myself to my Lieutenant but here I go. "When I'm hurt, mentally or physically, you and Toshiro make me feel so weak like I'm incapable, and I hate it." I softly say in self loathe.

I couldn't look at Shūhei as I expressed how I felt, I was grasping my bed sheets tightly in my hands out if anxiety.

"Captain I'm sorry, I honestly didn't know that we made you feel this way. Thank you for sharing that with me. Your not weak, your one of the strongest people I know. After all your my Captain, and you are incredible."

I could only nod in response, still not being able to look at him.

Toshiro POV

After the long Captain's meeting I wasted no time in getting back to the 4th squad barracks to see Ari. I was completely out of breath as I made it to the 4th barracks entrance and started to walk along the corridor going straight to the room Ari was in.

But before I could knock on the door checking to see if she was awake, I could overhear the conversation she was having with her Lieutenant Shūhei.

And what I heard broke my heart, knowing that i am 1 of the reason's why she feels incapable and weak.
As I stood facing the closed door, not knowing how I can face her in this moment, knowing what I just heard. I look towards the floorboards trying not to shed my own tears. "im so sorry Ari" I whisper.

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