Chapter 40 - Trouble Sleeping (filler)

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(A/N) Woo!!! Season 4 & 5 are done!! I'm super excited to write The Arrancar Arc it's my favorite season. A lot of important Chapters coming in this Arc. I can't wait to share it with you all, until then I hope that you all enjoy these filler Chapters.

Ari Kurosaki's POV

"No please!! Stop it" I cried in plea my body was shaking watching the lieutenant's and captain's kill each other. But the most terrifying thing was, they were turning into hollows, it's just not possible.

I watched in horror at the captain's and lieutenant's fighting one another, I was kneeling on the ground feeling paralyzed. I felt so confused as to why I was brought here? Until I heard a voice inside my head. 'Do you see that? Soon you too will achieve that too' I shook my head from left to right feeling like I'm going crazy. I placed my hands against my head "this isn't possible. Your not real."

The voice in my head laughed hysterically. 'I am apart of you Ari.'

"No! Shut up!" I cursed back 'just wait and see' the voice taunted back

"Your very special Ari" a voice snaps me from my trance. That voice belonging to Aizen. "You poor thing your trembling."

I looked around me noticing now that Captain Muguruma, Captain Hirako, Captain Ōtoribashi, Captain Aikawa, Lieutenant Kuna, Lieutenant Yadōmaru, Lieutenant Sarugaki, and Lieutenant Ushōda. Were laying unconscious with all there hollow masks still attached to there faces. They looked dead.

A loud scream left my vocal chords as tears fell from my eyes seeing all my subordinate's dead.


I bolted upwards from my laying position in my bed, I placed my hand against my forehead, feeling a headache forming, and sweat dripping down my face. I was breathing heavily, trying to settle my beating heart. "It was only a dream" I softly expressed aloud as I let out a deep sigh.

I pulled my covers off me and stood to my feet from my bed on the floor, and straightened out my dark navy kimono. I slowly made my way outside my bedroom into my private garden, enjoying the fresh cold air in the night. I was sitting on the patio as my legs and feet dangled over the edge. I sighed deeply feeling more calm now, but had an uneasy feeling lingering in the pit of my stomach.

After 20 minutes of sitting I stood to my feet, from the patio and decided to go for a walk. I left my barracks open court yard, and walked through the long corridors, most of my squad was asleep and others probably on night duty. I reached the entrance, and encountered 4 of my squad members guarding the gate at the entrance of the 9th squad barracks.

"Captain" they all greeted and formally bowed.

I nodded in response.

"Captain is everything alright?" One of my members asked in concern.

"Yes I'm going for a walk".

They didn't question me any further and formally bowed as they watched me walk away from the barracks.

I was walking along the concrete ground, feeling how cold it was against my bare feet I probably should have worn shoes, and maybe should have put on a scarf, feeling the cold night air pick up more now that I'm out in the open. I had no idea where I was going, I didn't have any scene of direction, just wanting to clear my clouded head.

The nightmare didn't leave my mind it lingered as I was walking through the Seireitei streets. It seems I have them when its close to the date of the incident. My mind likes reminding me of that day every chances it gets. Maybe because I haven't spoken about it to anyone? Or maybe it's because I shouldn't be alive to remember it? My mind wondered thinking of possibilities as to why?

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