Chapter 44 - Prelude to the Apocalypse

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The soul society: squad 12 the research and development

3rd persons POV

"Same old, Same old." A squad 12 member says looking over the security from the world of the living. A loud yawn escaped his mouth. "Ahhh man I'm bored out of my mind".

"Standing guard is pure torture, nothing actually happens" another agrees.

Hiyosu is a large green skinned soul reaper, his  Species is definitely not human, but he is great at his work under the 12th division. He turned around from his computer screen to look behind him. "C''mon rin. How many times have I told you not to eat all the cookies, those are for everyone now go and make us some tea you worthless little twerp". He scolded the poor boy that was sitting behind another computer screen.

"I'm sorry, I was hungry" Rin puts his head down in shame apologizing. The room fell silent as Rin's eyes widen looking at his computer screen. "I have a reading"

Which caught all the bored soul reapers attention.

"Position 360 to 4,000 eastern section of karakura requesting assistants and verification"

Hiyosu began to quickly type away at his keyboard finding the data on the situation.

"Hey everything okay?" Akon asks as he was standing at the entrance of the research room.

"Your timing couldn't be more perfect Akon" hiyosu mentions

Akon expresses a huh! In confusion.

"Take a look, there here. Should we inform Captain Kurosaki of the matter?"

Akon only nodded his head.

Karakura Town (the world of the living)

Ari Kurosaki POV

I was sitting high up in a tree enjoying the nice weather, as I was leaning my back against the thick tree branch and had my hands placed behind my head. The peaceful energy was disturbed by my soul pager beeping repeatedly in my pocket. I sat up with my legs crossed over the other and pulled out my soul pager. Receiving messages from research an development, my eyes widen in shock seeing the data. I quickly stood to my feet and flash stepped to Urahara's. On my way to Urahara,s the air become thick and I stopped mid air and gasped as I felt like my whole being was being sucked out. "This can't be possible. This spiritual pressure, they must be here" I voice my thoughts aloud. Then I have no time to waste, and continued to Urahara's as quickly as possible.

3rd persons POV the soul society (the 1st squad barracks

"Reporting a message from squad 12 sir. Arrancar's have been detected in the eastern section of karakura, there are 2 of them, based on there spiritual pressure, density and stability we believe that they are fully developed".

A secret remote squad member was formally bowed on 1 knee, addressing this news to the head captain.

karakura town (the world of the living)

Ari Kurosaki POV

I bursted through the door of Urahara's shop panting. "Kisuke do you feel them? Chad and Orihime are in trouble. In no time Ichigo will show up and he won't stand a chance against them".

Kisuke was covering his eyes under his hat. "Don't worry Ari, we will help them out soon enough".

Ichigo's POV

I was on my way to the intense spiritual pressure, I was feeling so many things going through my head. Chad and Orihime are in trouble and I hope, I get to them in time before it's to late.

As I reached the location, it was an open oval so many innocent humans were laying dead on the grass and chad too. My eyes widen seeing a giant tan skinned man about to attack Orihime. I quickly flash stepped and stopped his hand with my zanpakuto, as I stood protectively in front of Orihime.

He gasped in surprise, not expecting my arrival, and being able to block his attack.

"And just who the hell are you?" The unknown enemy spat in annoyance.

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