Chapter 61 - battle against the espada's

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Ari Kurosaki's POV

Toshiro released his shikai as he swung his blade in the air, his ice dragon shooting out towards yammy trying to freeze him in the process. Yammy just stood in place with one hand out in front of him blocking the ice attack.

The ice covered yammy's whole body as Toshiro and I were on guard. We see the ice start to crack, as yammy broke out so easily. Toshiro and my eyes widen in surprise.

"What kind of attack was that? It was so refreshing". Yammy teased

I glanced over at Toshiro seeing his stern expression like he was deep in thought. I tore my gaze away from him and looked at yumichika and it wasn't good. He was attacked as he got sent backwards, while using his zanpakutō for support to hold himself up, and seeing blood drip down from his forehead.

From looking at Yumichika I see the espada he was fighting looked towards Toshiro and I with a sly smirk on his face.  "yammy let me have that kid your fighting to".

"What!!" Yammy yells in confusion.

"It's so tedious fighting them this way, I'd rather take all 5 of them at once. I'll simply release my power and finally put an end to all your boring lives"

My eyes widen in fear, knowing if he releases his power now all of us might not be able to defeat him. I stare at Toshiro, seeing him also share the same expression as I, but he quickly replaced it with a stern look like he was planning to attack him.

"I won't let you!".

"Toshiro noooo!!" I tried calling out as I saw him charge towards the 6th espada so recklessly.

"Bankai Daiguren Hyōrinmaru"

The 6th espada held a sly smirk. "Strangle Trepadora" suddenly a pink blast surrounded him causing a dust explosion to form. I couldn't see what was happening, until a long white tentacle arm pushed Toshiro a few meters back. Luckily for Toshiro's ice wings it blocked the attack.

"You must be kidding! Is that all you've got? I'd expected more damage from your full release".

The 6th espada starts laughing. "That was nicely done. I honestly thought you weren't going to be able to block that attack. I have to admit I'm a little surprised. I guess you Captains are pretty tough Huh! I will have to watch my step". It was silent, waiting for the dust to clear.  "But just think, that attack the one you were able to block just now." The dust cleared showing the espada's true form. My eyes widened more at the sight. He had 8 enormous tentacles coming from his back.

"Would you be able to stop it if it were 8 times stronger"

"What the. What is that!!" Toshiro says in shock

Suddenly all his 8 tentacles surrounded Toshiro and crushed him. Toshiro's giant wings disappeared as he fell to the ground in a loud thud.

"TOSHIROOO!!!" I yelled in plea. 

The 6th espada turns to face us. "I told you 5 against one would have been much better odds."

Rangiku, ikkaku, Yumichika and I were like deer caught in headlights the espada smelled our fear as he licked his lips in delight.

"Oh I'm sorry I meant 5 against 8".

The 6th espada swung one of his tentacles towards Rangiku and sent her flying backwards. Ikkaku used his sword to block another tentacle aimed at him, as did Yumichika. I was blocking 2 at once as it tried to knock me off my feet.

The espada tentacles started to spin in a circle as it continued to attack us. Rangiku started to bleed from her forehead as she heavily panted.

Ikkaku also was bleeding from his head and arm.

Rangiku shared a look with me like she was trying to tell me something!! And I knew what she meant. She wanted me to use my visored abilities, but I can't risk ikkaku or Yumichika knowing about my secret. So I shook my head at her, and she lightly frowned.

"Man you guys are too pathetic for words, are you sure your really officers in the thirteen court guard squads, how lame really".

I clenched my jaw in anger listening to his words insulting us. I put my sword in front of me having enough of this espada. "Bankai Tensa Yugetsu"

My standard Shihakushō, turned into a long sleeve, and my sword turned all black with a broken chain on the end of the hilt.

"Finally some fun".

I charged towards the espada, but he was quick to send a tentacle my way. I blocked one tentacle as I saw another one come from behind and I quickly sliced off the top bit of the tentacle. The espada yelled in a groan.

"This ends now!! Getsuga Tenshō" i say with anger. Releasing my slash attack sending the 6th espada meters away in an upturn.

When the dust cleared I see a tentacle wrap itself around rangiku's waist. "Rangiku". I called out

"Hang on" Yumichika yelled in reassurance. But he was also wrapped in another tentacle.

"Yumichika" ikkaku yelled in frustration. "Damn it" ikkaku curses also being caught too. "Let go of me".

4 tentacles shot towards me but I maneuvered my way through. I tried to get close and slice another tentacle off but struggled in doing so.

"Could you be anymore repulsive" Yumichika yells trying to get out of the tentacle.

The 4 tentacles came towards me again but this time I let my guard down being focused on Rangiku, Yumichika and ikkaku. The tentacles wrapped around my waist squeezing me so tight, I coughed out blood. "Damn you". I lightly curse. The 3 remaining tentacles crushed into me sending me flying towards the ground making a huge dust explosion. The last thing I hear was ikkaku calling my name in worry. "Captain Kurosaki".

My vision is fading but I reused to let it consume me, I try to get up to scan the area and I see Toshiro on the ground a few meters from me. "Toshiro!!" I try to call out loud enough for him to hear.

"Ari". Toshiro says in worry rushing over to me. He placed one arm behind my back and the other arm under my legs lifting me up from the ground. As he did so, I groaned in pain coughing out more blood. "Are you okay?" He asks gently in concern.

"I'm okay shiro, forget me we need to get back to the others".

"I need a little more time to gather my spiritual pressure". He says while looking at a lake near by. I lightly smirk knowing exactly what Toshiro needs to do.

"I just hope that we are not too late".

3rd person's POV

"I don't know if anyone has told you this before, but you've got a smoking body" as the espada looked closely at rangiku's huge breasts. "Yes indeed you have definitely got it going on".

A tentacle came in front of Rangiku, suddenly several pointy spikes appeared on the ends. Rangiku gasps in fear feeling helpless.

"I wonder how you would look if I punched you full of holes"

"You bastard" ikkaku cursed in anger.

"Damn it, stop!!" Yumichika pleas.

the tentacles got closer to Rangiku, suddenly a red beam cut through her tentacle setting her free.

"Well looks like I made it just in time, that was certainly close wasn't it".

The espada turned around seeing who attacked. "Who are you, why are you interpreting?".

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't have time to properly introduce myself. The names Kisuke Urahara, I own a small candy store in the neighborhood perhaps you heard of it. Anyway it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance". Kisuke says casually but suddenly the blonde haired espada with the pink zanpaktuō appears behind him. Kisuke quickly uses a red slash attack in defense, and the blonde espada moves backwards with a giggle.

"Ahh don't take this the wrong way but your friend seems to be a little odd". Kisuke states as he watches the blonde espada carefully as he points his fingers at Kisuke releasing a cero attack creating a huge dust storm.

To be continued

Death Do Us Part [Toshiro Hitsugaya X OC]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara