chapter 30 - The Bount Assault!

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Ari Kurosaki's POV

Again all the captains were gathered for another Captains meeting in the assembly hall!! Instead of facing the Head Captain we were in our usual 2 lines on each side of the room, now I was facing Toshiro and I wasn't next to him.

Everyone gave there full attention to the head captain as he started the meeting.

"After conducting extensive research into old historical documents there were provided to us by the Kuchiki Clan, there is a fair amount of new information that I can report to you. At one time there was a series of experiments conducted here in the Seireitei at the very nature of which would now be strictly prohibited, these events occurred long before  the establishment of the department of research and development. The instigator of these experiments was a Scientist named Ran'Tao who is also referred to in the Kuchiki's historical documents as evil researcher. Ran'Tao's work was apparently centered on the study of eternal life but at some point there was a serious accident and a number of souls in the cycles of reverse were directly effected a mutated strain of humans with abnormal abilities was born in the world of the living these are the Bounts! After the accident Ran'Tao accepted responsibility for the tragedy and was subsequently banished from the Seireitei, as for the Bounts they were purged so as not to cause harm to the world of the living".

"Was it to protect the world of the living, or did some superior just want to bury the evidence in order to conceal his own involvement" captain Kyōraku cut in speaking his thoughts as he placed his hand on his chin and held a firm smirk.

"Careful Shunsui" Captain Ukitake warned.

"It's doesn't matter. All that matters now is that we recognize this is a problem of our own doing" the Head captain mentioned firmly.

"This would seem to confirm that the Bounts are here for revenge just as Lieutenant Matsumoto reported to us" Toshiro implied.

"Hmmm! Possible. But regardless of there reason for coming here the Bounts must now be completely annihilated. There is one last bit of news I shall Impart to you, the substitute soul reaper Ichigo Kurosaki has reentered the soul society from the world of the living" The Head captain explains further and my eyes widen at the mention of my twin brothers name.

"That Ichigo is one hard working boy isn't he" Captain Kyōraku playfully teased. And I playfully smirked at his comment knowing that ichigo has recently been caught in the middle of our problems.

"A thousand pardons Captains" a mans voice called out from behind the giant double doors interrupting our Captains meeting. they suddenly opened bringing in a bright light, revealing a secret remote squad member bowed down on one knee.

"I have come with emergency dispatch, Bount waves and Rukia Kuchiki's spiritual pressure has been detected"

My eyes widen in worry for Rukia, but I wasn't the only one who wore a worried expression, captain Ukitake was her Captain and he cares a lot for his suburbanites and there safety, and Captain Kuchiki being her older sibling he would most definitely save her.

The meeting was cut short due to Rukia being in danger Captain Ukitake and Captain Kuchiki wasted no time in existing the assembly hall aiding to Rukia.

Squad 13 were dispatched to head into the East Rukon district area 43, that is where Rukia and Bount are.

I deeply sighed existing the assembly hall as a few of the other Captains began to exist the room also. I turned down the long corridor making my way outside to the squad 1 barracks courtyard it was a little windy as I continued along the balcony and reached the stairs existing the barracks I stopped in my tracks sensing Ichigo's spiritual pressure a feeling of relief filled my body knowing that he is okay. I slashed stepped appearing at my barracks and ended up in my office, I looked around the room seeing everything spotless and tidy luckily I have no paper work to do knowing that I finished all of it before I went to the world of the living. I playfully smirked at the thought of Toshiro having a load of paper work to do becuase of the assignment from the Head Captain, I felt bad but laughed at the same time.

I existed my office and entered in our news magazine room knowing that Shuhei would most probably be in here working.

I opened the sliding door and poked my head inside scanning the room hoping to find Shuhei and just my luck there he was sitting down at a wooden desk with his back facing me. I playfully smirked and had an idea to scare him silly, and pictured the mental image in my head as I silently giggled to myself!

I slashed stepped behind Shuhei and stood silently close behind him, he was writing on a piece of blank paper with a quill of ink I cheekily smirked. "SHUHEIIIIIII" I screamed loudly close to his eardrums.

He jumped off his chair and fell on the wooden floor face first, I was trying really hard not to laugh but failed miserably as I couldn't hold it in anymore I burst out laughing clutching a hold of my stomach feeling it hurt from laughing so much in a short time. "Omg you should have seen your face"

Then suddenly I felt hands grab ahold of my shoulders "ARIIIIIIII" I heard loudly and I jumped in fright and quickly spun around seeing Toshiro "Toshiro you scared me" I whined seeing how the tables have turned.

"I saw you sneaking up on Shuhei and thought that it would be funny if I snuck up on you" he playfully teased

I rolled my eyes in annoyance "I liked you better when you didn't know how to have fun" I plainly joked not being used to his playful side I love it, but when he does it, it's always to get back at me if I'm pranking someone else.

"Hey I know how to have fun" he defended.

"If you 2 are done arguing I could use a little help, please I think my nose is bleeding" Shuhei says while he was sitting on the floor holding his nose trying to stop the bleeding.

My playfully smirk turned into a smile and I started laughing, Toshiro also began laughing and Shuhei was sighing in annoyance "why me"


"I'm sorry about your nose Shuhei, I didn't think that would happen" I genuinely apologized

"Thank you for the apology Captain, but it's okay now we can look back and laugh at the memory together" he reassured positively.

I smiled in return at my lieutenant "okay I guess I will let you get back to work, I need to follow up with Toshiro on this assignment from the Head Captain"

He nodded his head in response and picked up his quill before writing on the piece of paper in front of him he turned his head towards me and looked at me intently "please be careful Captain"

I smirked "aren't I always" I say and waved goodbye leaving the room, I shut the sliding door behind me and sighed exhaling a breath knowing that i need to be focused now and no more fooling around. I slashed stepped to the 10th squad barracks and stood outside the doors staring up at the bright blue sky getting deep into my thoughts about the researcher named Ran'Tao if he or she was banished my question was could Ran'Tao still be alive!

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