Chapter 9 - Tragedy Of Dawn

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A/N: okay to anyone who read the last bit of chapter 8 I apologize for my error I almost fucked up the storyline. I ended up changing it and now it's back on track of the plot. For my horrible error I thought I would give you the next chapter now instead of Tuesday I hope you all enjoy ❤️

Ari's POV

Once arriving at squad 1 barracks, I was the last person to arrive, which is never like me to be unpunctual. As I walked in the meeting room, everyone was standing in a line facing the head captain instead of 2 lines in an orderly fashion. While I made my way to the other side of the line at the end of the room, all eyes were on me, which made me feel very uncomfortable. Once I reached my place in the line the head captain wasted no time in starting the meeting.

"The situation has become critical as a result of recent events the 13 court guard squads are now short by 1 lieutenant, obviously we can no longer afford to leave these matters in the hands of lower rank officers and members subsequently no disciplinary measures will be taken against Ichimaru for his earlier independent actions." The head captain gruffly expressed.

"Thank you sir". Captain Ichimaru said slyly accepting the head captains apology.

"Furthermore senior officers, including lieutenants shall here by be allowed to carry there Zanpakutō at all times with full war time use of there powers". The head captain ordered sternly

"There allowed to carry there Zanpakutō at all times". The blind captain of squad 9 implied.

"Full release as in war time aye, I couldn't be happier." Captain Kenpachi said in a thrilled tone, probably excited that he gets to fight someone possibly stronger then himself

Captain kurotsuchi dryly snickered out loud. "If someone hadn't allowed the ryoka to escape in the first place none of these measures would be necessary" he warned sternly.

"Now, now what's the use of talking like that" Captain Ichimaru questioned offended by Captain Kurotsuchi choice of words.

"Anyway he's fair game now, just the way I want it". Captain Kenpachi slyly smirked, while chucking like a mad man.

"Everyone!! Let us declare all out war on these ryoka". The head captain demanded sternly.

The captains meeting was over, and I quickly made my way out towards the corridor, going back to the sewers so I can get some answers from that orange haired ryoka I was a women on a mission. I was soon stopped by a hand grasping my forearm, pulling me around so I was now facing Toshiro. I was a little startled by the sudden action not expecting this. Toshiro's gaze softened staring into my brown orbs with full concern, probably sensing my uneasiness.

"Ari are you okay". He asked in a worried tone.

I nodded my head in response honestly not finding any words to say at the moment.

"Why were you late? I was looking for you after I had spoken to Momo". He questioned, while still staring at me with a look I couldn't resist.

I had to carefully choose my words so it wouldn't sound like a lie. I can't tell them that I know where the ryoka are, I want to get my answers first. I thought stubbornly.

"I was walking around the Seireitei, hoping that I would encounter the ryoka but I didn't have any luck and lost track of time". I white lied, I mean that's what I was doing in the first place. So I guess I'm not really lying, I reassured myself. I never really like to lie, it makes me feel like I'm a bad person. But only in these situations where I feel like it's necessary.

Toshiro still held his gaze, looking at me intently.

I lightly smiled in return. "I promise I'm fine Toshiro". Hoping that he would forget about it.

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