Chapter 20 - Bed Rest (filler)

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A/N: wooo season 2 & 3 are over I hope that you all enjoyed it. Before I continue on to the main story plot I decided to add other chapters about Ari and connecting it to the main story.

Ari Kurosaki's POV

I could hear faint voices chattering amongst themselves, it sounded like it was coming from the hallway, I slowly fluttered my eyes open but only received a blurred vision. I closed my eyes and reopened them now my eye sight becoming more clear. I was blankly staring up at a white ceiling, as I turned my head slightly to the left I felt stiff and gasped in pain from the movement.

As I looked around the room, taking in my surroundings I knew I was in the squad 4 barracks I deeply sighed thinking about everything that has happened. Aizen, gin, and Kaname betraying everyone in the soul society, and taking the Hōgyoku. Knowing Aizen he will try to succeed in whatever it is that he is planning, which puts the 13 court guard squads in a difficult situation not only do we all have to worry about Aizen but now we're short by 3 captains and all of central 46 is dead. I could feel that Squad 3, 5, and 9 would be different having lost someone meaning a lot to them, they would have a difficult time letting people in after this. Not only I suffered bad injuries but a lot of the other captains and lieutenant's too which makes me worried for momo, I know that Toshiro would be watching over her, and ichigo too I wonder how he is dealing with everything.

I sighed aloud, disliking that I'm left alone with nothing but my thoughts right now. I repositioned my head straight staring back up at the ceiling again. Then suddenly ichigo came in the room.

"Hey Ari, how are you holding up"

I lightly grinned "ichigo. ah! Well It could be worse".

"I'm glad that your okay, I'm leaving to the world of the living and I wanted to say goodbye". He expressed.

"Thank you for the visit ichigo I really appreciate it, and thank you for everything you did to save Rukia I have a feeling that I will see you again".

Ichigo held a cheeky smirk upon his lips. "You think so?"

"I know so, this won't be the last time we will see each other". I said with a knowing feeling in my gut. He is definitely something else.

"Well this means goodbye Ari until next time". He said with a bright smile upon his face.

"Until next time" I quoted his words also holding a wide grin on my face.

As we both were staring at each other with big smiles on our faces, ichigo turned around and left the room, leaving me alone once again.

When I thought that I would be left alone captain unohana walked in the room with a soft kind smile on her face "hello captain Kurosaki how are you feeling?"

I lightly smiled back in return "sore but I'm still here so I can't complain"

Captain unohana lightly chuckled in response at my lame humor, as she came closer to my bed to check me over. She pulled off my blankets covering my body and brought both of her hands on my higher abdominal, as her hands began to turn blue healing my cracked ribs. I grunted in pain feeling the pressure of her healing abilities.

After a few moments she stopped. "You will need bed rest for a week, after that you will need to take it easy for 2 weeks no training or missions until I say so". She informed me in a motherly tone.

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