Chapter 48 - The Freezing White Blade

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Ari Kurosaki's POV

Toshiro and I stood to our feet swallowing our soul candy, and appearing in our soul reaper forms.

Toshiro turns to his gigai "go find a place where you won't get hurt". I too stared towards mine and ordered her to get somewhere safe too.

"Right" Both of the gigai say running off the roof finding somewhere safe to hide.

"Captain" we hear Rangiku sternly call, as she climbed onto the roof. Toshiro grabbed ahold of his zanpakuto releasing it from its stealth and had his back to Rangiku and I.

"Where's Orihime Inoue?" He sternly asks.

"I'm having my gigai watch over her, so she doesn't participate in the battle"

"Alright you better get ready Ari, rangiku". Toshiro says firmly, as the clouds drift away from the moon making it more lighter. "They arrived"

Suddenly 2 men appeared 1 bigger then the other. What stood out the most was there hollowfied masks, which looked similar to my own hollowfication mask.

I could feel Rangiku trembling beside me hearing her gasp in surprise at their speed. "There so fast"

The air around us picked up, and it become awfully silent as we all glared at one another. The Silence was short lived, as the taller man spoke. "Pleasure to meet you"

The man disappeared in an instant and reappeared next to Toshiro as they clashed swords.

I kept a poker face, confident that Toshiro won't lose to this scum.

"Captain" Rangiku called out in worry, but moved quickly out of the way, as the larger man attacked her. Her sword also drawn out.

I stood calmly on the roof sword not drawn yet, as I first analyze there movements and intentions.

"I am the 11th arrancar, I have been named Shawlong" the tall man introduces himself.

"I am the captain of squad 10 Toshiro Hitsugaya" Toshiro also introduced himself and pushed shawlong backwards hearing their swords clash against the other. They both move onto another tall building a few meters away. Now making it harder for me to hear there conversation, so I followed in suit landing next to Toshiro.

"Well the captain of a squad you say". He mocked and looked towards me. "And you my dear?"

I clench my jaw at the pet name. "I am squad 9 captain Ari Kurosaki"

"Impressive that must mean I hit the jackpot".

Toshiro was quick to shut him down. "No you have already lost". He raised his spiritual pressure as the outside of his body turned light blue. "As your about to discover".

"Oh". Shawlong playfully taunted.

I could sense that everyone was getting ready to battle these foul arrancar's! Ikkaku and renji fighting. My blank expression suddenly widened when I felt the spiritual pressure where ichigo was. It was the same level as the 2 I saw the other day, which made me worried for ichigo and Rukia. Toshiro glances towards me feeling my uneasiness and his turquoise eyes held the utmost concern. I quickly shook off my worried expression and replaced it with a stern one, not wanting to worry Toshiro he needs to concentrate on his fight.

(Time skip) A/N: I had to skip 2 episodes to continue on sorry my readers.

- The Arrancar: Hitsugaya Scatters! The Broken Hyōrinmaru

I was watching in torture seeing Toshiro struggle against Shawlong. Toshiro was in his bankai form, 4 of his flowers have already vanished from the top of his iced wings. He was panting heavily and the side of his head was bleeding. It made me worried that this arrancar might have a chance at defeating Toshiro like it did to ichigo. The thought made me scared.
I glanced towards Rangiku, she was laying on her side unconscious. The larger arrancar man towered over her like she was some ant. Toshiro glances at me and I nodded my head in understanding and flashed stepped in front of Rangiku as I released my zanpakuto. The larger arrancar noticed me and clashed his sword with mine. I felt angry seeing these 2 hurt the people that are important to me. I showed him no mercy. I pushed him backwards and flash stepped behind him and kicked him in the gut sending him flying into the building.

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