Chapter 81 - Offense and Defense of the 3rd Division

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3rd person's POV

Captain Ukitake was walking through the 1st squad barracks, with slumped shoulders and wearing an expression of defeat, as he was looking towards the wooden floorboards.

"I'll be."

Captain Ukitake looks up from the floor in surprise seeing shunsui leaning against a balcony railing with his arms crossed.

"I can't believe you're still hanging around."

"Shunsui?" Captain Ukitake questions in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I suppose you could say our squad just isn't fully ready to deploy yet. What's with you? You're looking pretty glum. Shunsui explains, as he questions his friend in concern.

"I just had another talk with head Captain Yamamoto" Captain Ukitake explains as he turns his head to the side. "but it's no use what I say. He refuses to take any action."

Shunsui looks up towards the sheltered roof. "Yeah, that old man Yama can be a stubborn one."

Captain Ukitake walks closer to Shunsui. "I just don't understand. Is there a reason the kasumioji clan is off limits?"

Shunsui humms in response. "I did some research of my own, but got zero results. It seems they don't want outsiders looking into their business."

"What do you mean? Captain Ukitake questions.

"They're high ranking nobles yet they rarely present themselves in public. And their clan certainly didn't associate with central 46 that much, either."

It fell silent between the 2 old men, as captain Ukitake placed a firm hand on his chin in a thinking manner. But Shunsui was quick to give a smile to lighten the situation.

"But that ichigo is something else. Trouble likes to follow him wherever he goes."

"That's no laughing matter. Imagine if we're attacked from the outside while this was going on." Captain Ukitake warns in worry.

But Shunsui is quick to reassure his friend with a smile. "Oh, we'd be fine. Squad 12 is on it. Seems like Captain Kurostuchi isn't exactly eager to get involved with the mess going on within the seireitei. So I'd say we're covered pretty well. It's probably best we just concentrate on taking care of our own duties. Don't you agree?"

Captain Ukitake still wore a glum expression like he still wasn't convinced, but nodded his head. "Sure."


Ari Kurosaki's POV

Ichigo, Rukia, Shū, Captain Amagai and I were in hiding but knew we couldn't stay out for long. Captain Amagai stepped out into the open first checking to see if the area was clear. He motioned his hand forwards and we all followed behind him in a run.

We all got a few meters into our run. "Oh, a hell butterfly." Shū gasps in worry.

I shift my gaze from ichigo and shū and stare at the hell butterfly above. Stopping in my tracks, and so did everyone else.
The hell butterfly land's on the tip of my index finger.

"Any news?" Ichigo asks?

"It appears that while Izuru was chasing makoto, he found princess Rurichiyo." I mention aloud, also shocked with his new piece of information.

"Huh? What? Izuru found her?" Ichigo says in surprise.

"So, where is she?" Rukia urges.

"He saw her at the squad 3 barracks." I finish saying as the hell butterfly flew off my finger.

"Then that means....." Rukia stops herself mid sentence

Captain Amagai turns to face her. "That's right. This fits with what we've suspected. Makoto is somehow involved in all this."

Ichigo steps forwards. "That's unfortunate, but you'll have to deal with him later. We've got to save Rurichiyo."

Captain Amagai fully turns towards ichigo and Rukia. "Yes, of course we do. Especially because my squad is responsible for this." Then suddenly Captain Amagai voice get louder.
"Hurry, come this way."

Rukia looks at him in confusion. "Huh? But squad 3 barracks are located straight ahead of us."

"True, but by going this way, we'll pass through the section assigned to squad 9."

I widen my eyes knowing that Shūhei will be taking charge.

"So now squads are assigned to sections?" Rukia questions at this new information, and I just roll my eyes feeling sick.

"It was done to better organize the 13 court guard squads." Captain Amagai informs a confused Rukia.

"The 13 court guard squads didn't need this organizational tool from you of all people." I bluntly say.

Captain Amagai exhales a loud sigh. "Captain Kurosaki, even now being on the same side we are still at odds."

I exasperate a sigh. "We are at odds because I don't want to side with a liar." I stare him down with a glare. "And the truth will come out, so enjoy this because I will" I say with a smirk.

"Enough we need to find Rurichiyo" ichigo cuts in sternly.

Getting back to the matters at hand captain Amagai gets back to explaining the new organizational changes the head Captain has made. "But there is a little space in-between each of their assigned sections. This will help us avoid confrontation."

Ichigo nods his head in understanding. "Right. Sounds good"

"Then let's go."

(Timeskip) - squad 3 barracks

Captain Amagai was talking to some of his squad members while we were waiting at the gates.

"I take it you've received Izuru's message?"

1 squad member nods his head firmly. "Yes sir."

"Can you clear up what's going on, sir?" Another squad member adds in.

"I'll explain later. Now we need to get to the fighting arena." Captain Amagai orders and starts into a run.

The squad member nods in understanding

And they follow behind us.

A squad member calls out in warning. "Hey, Captain!"

We all turn our heads to see 6 men dressed in blue and black running in the other direction. 1 was carrying something in their arms.

"Those guys!" Ichigo says in recognition.

"They were carrying someone!" Rukia says

"Could it be Rurichiyo?" Shū says in worry.

"We'll find out." Ichigo says while setting Shū to the ground on his feet again. "Rukia, look after Shū."

Ichigo was about to start into a run until Captain Amagai stops him. "Hold on. I'll come, too."

Ichigo looks at Captain in surprise but accepted the help.

"Aida, Inose, Kano, I want all of you to go find Izuru." Captain Amagai orders his men.

"Yes, sir."
Yes, sir."

"Rukia follow after us with sir kannogi."

"Sir." Rukia says taking orders.

Captain Amagai shifts his gaze from Rukia and Shū and stares at ichigo and I. "Let's go, ichigo, and Ari."

"Okay" ichigo says eagerly and I just nod my head in response.

Captain Amagai disappears in a flash step, and ichigo and I do the same.

Death Do Us Part [Toshiro Hitsugaya X OC]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang