Chapter 63 - Strict Order! The Forbidden Rescue of Orihime Inoue.

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Ari Kurosaki's POV

After the battles we encountered with the espada's we all went back to Urahara's shop.
Currently in the underground space under the shop. Recuperating.

An obnoxious yell was heard from ikkaku. "That hurt's". He complains as he was pushing at Tessai's head keeping a distance between them. "Are you listening to me, that's enough back off."

"Forget it, I can't do that" Tessai protests trying to help the injured ikkaku as he refuses.

"Don't give me that crap, the bandages are already to tight". Ikkaku complains.

But before he could complain anymore ururu wrapped her petite arms around Ikkaku's neck in a headlock, chocking him in the process in hopes trying to stop him from thrusting around.

"Good work ururu, don't let him go, make him pass out and then we can finish him off". Tessai praises the young black haired girl. But turns around to hear Yumichika yelling from a distance wrapped up in bandages looking like a mummy.

"Stop it! Let go of Ikkaku. Leave him alone you bullies". Yumichika yells in protest

"You need to calm down and stay still Yumichika, you keep struggling you will make your injuries worse." Tessai tries to reason, as Yumichika continued to fight against the bandages wrapped around him keeping him at bay by the stuffed doll's of ririn, noba, and Kurōdo.

Toshiro and I were meters away on an edged cliff watching them behave like children. Seeing Yumichika chase the 3 mod souls around in a circle like he was ready to kill, at any moment.
Toshiro was standing with his arms crossed against his chest, while I was sitting on the ground with my knee's bend almost wanting to lay completely flat exhausted.

"That was predictable, they always get so manic where ever they go." I see Toshiro shift his gaze towards Kisuke like he was deep in thought Kisuke also was standing on another edge cliff like us and has been very quiet since we've gotten back at his shop, and I wonder why that is? Could that encounter with the Espada's been a distraction? I wonder what they are really planning? I myself was deep in my own thought's very confused of the events taken place, not forgetting what happened with Toshiro and I, just because I wanted to help ichigo knowing full well he would of been okay. I tried to shake away the thoughts running through my mind but was finding it very difficult as I placed my head in my knee's.

(Toshiro's Thought's)
'I wonder what's going on up their with Kisuke. he has been very quiet since the fight ended, he's such a mystery, I know he's had something on his mind since the arrancar's retreated. Maybe he's planning our next defensive, I know 1 thing though, for having thought so many of the Espada, we're lucky that this is all the damage we've suffered. Toshiro thought shifting his gaze to look at Ari on the ground defeated. 'We were careless, and we underestimated them, they had prepared for the battle, and we hadn't. We are going to have to work harder to be ready for the next encounter, whenever that may be. I just wonder if we will have time to do what's necessary before they come at us again. How long will it take before we can get up to strength.'

"Rangiku" Toshiro called from his deep thoughts.

"Yes" she replies quickly.

"Have you been able to contact the soul society yet?" Toshiro sternly questions.

"No I'm not having any luck". She says in disappointment, Hearing her soul phone make a beep noise, and straight after we hear nothing but static.

Toshiro walk's over towards me and kneel's down to my level on the ground. I see him stare with content and care. "Please can I check your bandages. I'm just making sure Tessai did them correctly". He says gently, and I nodded my head in approval.

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