Chapter 11 - The Calm Before The Storm

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A/N: I'm so sorry that I haven't posted, I have been sick with a cold so writing hasn't been easy when I'm super tired. But here it is. This is the longest chapter I have written in apology. Also I added like 4 episodes into one chapter. I hope that you all enjoy

The morning came sooner then I thought. I didn't really get much sleep having a lot on my mind. I looked towards my clock on the wall in my bedroom and saw that it read, 5:30am. I deeply sighed and stood up from my bed laid out on the floor and opened the sliding door to my bedroom leading me outside to my garden. As I was looking up in the sky it was dark blue and pink seeing the sun start to rise from afar. But unfortunately this time, I can't stand here to enjoy it. I thought that it would be best to get my last bit of my paper work done or the head captain will have my head already it being pasted my deadline.

I entered my office room and I took a seat at my desk. I looked to my right of my wooden table, seeing the stack of paperwork that I placed there a few days ago. Now looking to my left seeing a few sheets of paper that was left unfinished. I grabbed the first sheet reading through it, before marking it with my quill and moving on to the next sheet of paper.

I deeply sighed, finishing the last sheet of paper and adding it to the finished pile. I stood to my feet, now only realizing that I'm still in my navy floral kimono. I left my office, walking through the empty corridor of my barracks, walking to the end opening my double sliding doors, entering through to my room.

I walked towards my build in wardrobe, sliding the door open getting my Shihakushō and my haori.

I untied my navy stash around my waist slipping off my kimono. I grabbed my shihakushō bottoms putting them on first, and grabbing the top of the shihakushō tucking it into my pants, now grabbing my white stash wrapping it around my waist. I put my socks on my feet and also placed my shoes on. I grabbed my haori and put it on, now looking at myself in my full length mirror making sure that I was presentable, I had bed hair, so I grabbed my brush lying on my bench and brushed through my knotty hair. I looked in the mirror again this time feeling more satisfied with my look. I grabbed my Zanpakutō and tied it to my  waist stash.

I made my way out towards my room and into the corridor, heading out to my court yard. As I was walking I pasted 2 of my squads members now awake.

"Good morning captain Kurosaki". They polity greeted me and formally bowed.

"Good morning". I said nonchalantly, as I continued to walk outside.

As I made it outside the sun was shinning brightly up in the clear blue sky. It made me smile taking in the nature. I looked around my barracks court yard seeing that it was empty, and quite now thinking that my squad members must be sleeping still. I could sense Ichigo's spiritual pressure fighting Kenpachi.

I wonder how he is going? I mentally thought knowing that Kenpachi won't be easy to defeat. Suddenly the strong force of spiritual pressure that I was sensing, now was gone.

Knowing where Ichigo is, I flash stepped to his location. Once arriving, I see Ichigo collapsed on the ground on his side, cut up pretty bad knowing if he is left here unattended he would surely die. My eyes widen noticing, a familiar spiritual pressure in the distance, I quickly hid behind a building close by, seeing Lady Yoruichi in her cat form, staring down at Ichigo's unconscious body.

"I apologize, I know I'm a little late. You've been cut up pretty good ichigo. But against someone like Kenpachi Zaraki, you could have not expected any less. Taking him out was quite an achievement. You fought well, and you endured a great deal. I am impressed, so don't worry I won't let you die". Lady Yoruichi said in a sincere tone, while her cat form started to glow blue feeling a burst of spiritual pressure being released. I watched as Lady Yoruichi transformed into her human form.

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