Chapter 15 - An Accomplished Oath! Get Back Rukia!

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3rd person POV

The soul society was in chaos, today was the day of Rukia Kuchiki's execution. Some Captain's and lieutenant's were already on sokyoku hill, ready to watch the execution. But not all captain's and lieutenant's showed up for the event that was going to take place.

To those who weren't on sokyoku hill had there hands full dealing with other matters at hand.

Toshirō Hitsugaya, and Rangiku Matsumoto weren't on Sōkyoku Hill, they had other plans on stopping this execution.

Soon enough Ichigo had made it to Sōkyoku Hill and saved Rukia in time before a massive, phoenix-like entity called Kikōō. Could pierce into her soul, killing her instantly. Ichigo tossed Rukia to Renji making sure that he gets her somewhere safe, so Renji was in a full paced run away from the Sōkyoku Hill. Leaving Ichigo to deal with Byakuya Kuchiki.

Other captains moved elsewhere getting into there own mess of battles. The head captain followed Captain Kyōraku and Captain Ukitake. Starting there own battle, knowing that they have quite the history. Captain Kyōraku, and Captain Ukitake were his first ever students and the first captains in the 13 court guard squads that the head captain created.

As Soi Fong was left alone on Sōkyoku Hill dealing with captain Ukitake's subordinates Sentarō Kotsubaki was unconscious and Kiyone Kotetsu lunges were getting crushed by Soi Fong stepping harshly on her chest, causing Kiyone to choke. Suddenly a figure came from a distance grabbing Soi Fong by the waist dragging her away from Sōkyoku Hill.

Captain Unohana, brought all the injured soul reapers from the Sōkyoku Hill that ichigo defeated back to her squad 4 barracks for further treatment. Her lieutenant was also injured, but it was nothing serious. Captain Unohana was walking ahead of her lieutenant, mentioning to follow her on the little field trip suspecting something is very wrong.

A/N: finally a Toshiro POV I was super excited to write this. The next chapter will most likely be in his POV too.
Toshiro Hitsugaya's POV

After leaving my barracks placing a sealing barrier on the entrance of where Momo was recovering protecting her from any enemy's. Rangiku and I were running at a fast pace getting to the central 46 compound. Even though I'm worried about Momo, it doesn't compare to Ari. I haven't seen her for 24 hours and especially with everything going on at the moment, finding that she is no where to be found isn't a good sign. As we continued to run an explosion was made on Sōkyoku Hill creating dust to form high up in the sky.

"Is that the ryoka?" Rangiku expressed, while looking to her side looking at the explosion from afar.

"Considering the location and the intensity of the spiritual pressure. Who else could it be." I sternly stated.

"It's gotten to the point where the only way to gain control of the situation is by making a direct appeal to our superior's".

"If that's your plan do you mean to tell them about the incident with Captain Aizen as well?" Rangiku questioned.

"Yes. Only I intent to tell them what really happened. Let's hurry". I mentioned jumping up on a roof top quickening my pace before I disappeared into a flash step traveling forward along the roof tops, having Rangiku following close behind me.

We stopped in front of the entrance gates of the central 46 chambers. Seeing it strange that there were no guards posted at this highly restricted area.

"There should be someone guarding the front gate. But I don't see anyone". Rangiku stated in worry looking around the quiet area.

"Yeah it's odd.". I said nonchalantly, while placing my hand upon the double gated doors, and pushed it open in shock, knowing that this is never unlocked. Rangiku and I both glanced at one another in worry. But none the less pushed the doors open.

We slowly walked along the wooden bridge connecting to the underground compound. My heart rate picked up slightly feeling Ari's spiritual pressure but it was faint.

We stopped again in front of the doors to the compound.

"This place is deserted". Rangiku implied

Again I placed my hand upon the closed doors inspecting the situation knowing that these doors are normally sealed shut.

"Well someone's here because it's locked from the inside". I stated a matter of fact looking back at Rangiku.

Silence fell upon us for a few moments before I yelled out.

"You must open this door imminently, it's a matter of utmost importance. My name is captain Hitsugaya of squad 10".

Suddenly swords came shooting across the doors not allowing us to enter.

"Someone has activated the emergency defense lock". Rangiku said in shock.

"Yes it gets stranger every minute. I wonder what's going on?" I said in confusion staring at the sealed doors in front of me.

What are you going to do?" Rangiku questioned.

What do you think". I expressed gripping the hilt of my Zanpakutō

"Just stand back".

"But you can't". Rangiku warned.

Ignoring my lieutenant I used my Zanpakutō to slice through the sealed doors cutting through them, opening the passage.

"Captain you just broken down the sealed door into central 46 are you insane!" She said in shock.

"And the alarm hasn't gone off. Breaking down the door should surely have activated the alarm but it didn't, and where are the guards who are always posted here. Somethings wrong, someone must have killed them and then dragged there corpses away, then once they got inside they must have resealed the door and deactivated the alarm behind them". I stated analyzing the situation.

"Obviously to keep things quiet". Rangiku said.

I grunted in frustration and ran on through the broken down door into the central 46 compound. While Rangiku followed on behind me after a few moments.

We were both running through the underground compound going through closed doors and going up staircases in a hurry. Until we reached the Underground Assembly Hall. Stopping abruptly in fright seeing the scene before us

"No way, what is this. What happened here?"

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