Chapter 41 - To The World Of The Living (filler)

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A/N: I'm sorry for this boring Chapter, I promise that the next chapter will be better this is a short filler before we start the Arrancar Arc.

Ari Kurosaki's POV

I started off my day like any other. I sat on the roof of my 9th squad barracks and admired the sun rise lighting up the sky. After staring in awe at the now beautifully bright sky, I made my way to my office to start on my paperwork from the Head Captain.

I sighed deeply, and placed my quill on the wooden desk. I moved my right hand in circular motions hearing little cracks from my cramped wrist, I looked towards my little clock sitting on my desk and saw that it was 8am. I groaned in annoyance wishing that I can be done with this workload, and I have just started. I have gotten through 1 pile of papers and I still have 3 more to go. I guess my day will consist of getting as much of this paperwork done as possible. "Ughh!! How annoying!!!" I whined aloud wishing I could be doing anything else but this.

I bend down to grab the next pile from the floor and placed it on my wooden desk in front of me. I picked up my quill and began marking off the papers.

3 hours have passed and I only have 1 more pile to go. I decided to have a well earned break before I continue finishing the last load. I placed my quill on my wooden desk and leaned back in my chair and stared up at the ceiling as I let out the biggest sigh.

Suddenly I heard a loud knock outside my office door, the sudden sound startled me and I fell backwards on my chair and I hit the ground in a thud.

The unknown person that was standing outside the door slid the sliding door across and poked there head inside. "Ahh!! Captain!" Shuhei says while looking at me with amused expression. "Why are you down their?"

I had no motivation to move, as I laid on the floor broads with my arms spread out. "Well your sudden knocking startled me and I fell"

Shuhei slid the door fully across and stepped inside my office. "Captain since when do you get easily startled"

"I don't. I'm glad to see you Shuhei but what are you doing here? I have asked the squad to give me some privacy today, I have a lot of paperwork to do" I sternly stated.

"Sorry Captain I'm aware of your orders, but the Head Captain wanted to see you and said that it is urgent"

I held a confused expression on my face thinking as to why he would want to see me now? "Thank you Shuhei, I guess this last bit of paperwork will have to wait" I mentally cheered feeling free from my office and that last pile.

I rolled on my side, and stood up from the floor as I existed my office. I placed my hands inside my kimono sleeves and walked to the 1st barracks.

I wonder why the Head Captain wants to see me? Anxiety set in as I thought of the worst possible scenario's. maybe he found out about my hollowfication and has sentenced me to death. Or maybe I forgot to do my paperwork that has been overdue? Or maybe he wants me to step down from Captain of squad 9? I abruptly stopped in place as I saw that I was at the front of the 1st barracks. I need to get it together before I see the Head Captain. I inhaled a breath through my nose and counted to 3 and exhaled through my mouth. Now feeling more at ease with my anxiety I entered into the 1st barracks. I walked up a set of stairs and got to the top and continued to walk along the corridor. I made a left turn and a quick right and now I was standing in front of the Head Captains office doors.

I knocked 3 times and waited patiently for entry. "Who is it?" The Head Captain says gruffly

"Head Captain sir, it's Captain Kurosaki"

"Please come in" he stated firmly.

I grabbed the door knob and twisted it opening the door walking inside, and closed the door behind me.

I walked halfway in the room and stopped a few meters in front of his desk that he was sitting behind. "Head Captain sir" I say and formally bowed.

"Captain Kurosaki the reason why you are here is because I have a mission for you. Im sending you to the world of the living to investigate hollows."

I arched a brow in confusion. "Sir hollows? Is there something unusual about these hollows?"

"Yes there form is a little different then the normal hollows that we encounter. the data that we have received from the department of research and development, shows that they are getting to Arrancar."

"Aizen must have something to do with it, playing around with the hogyoku making the hollows develop quicker"

The Head Captain nodded in response. "Yes that could be a possible theory that's why I'm sending you to investigate".

"Yes sir I understand"

"Captain Kurosaki you leave this afternoon, you are dismissed." The Head Captain gruffly clarifies

I formally bow. "Yes Head Captain Sir". As I leave his office. I exist the 1st squad barracks and slash step back to my barracks. I reappear in my office and took a seat on my sofa getting lost in a daydream.



"Captain!" Someone says loudly snapping me out of my daydream. I look in front of me to see Shuhei.

"Captain are you okay? What did the Head Captain say?" He asks curiously.

"He is sending me to the world of the living." I say blankly, and ignored his first question.

"It's Aizen isn't it?"

I nod my head in response. "Aizen has made his return, and this won't be the last of him."

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