Chapter 64 - Homecoming (filler)

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Ari Kurosaki's POV

Currently walking through the senkimon I trailed a bit behind from the others as they all walked on ahead.

My mind kept playing back to ichigo! I know for a fact he is going to hueco mundo to save his friend without us.
There has to be some way I can help him? There just has to be. I thought deeply as I furrowed my brows trying to think of every possible idea, but it was short lived when I felt a hand gently snap me out of my thoughts

"Ari! Are you okay?" Toshiro softly calls, he stopped in his tracks so he can stand next to me.

I return a light smile in reassurance not wanting to worry him, but how silly of me to think that right now. "I'm okay Toshiro".

Toshiro lightly smirked at me. "Why don't I believe you."

I exhale a sigh and shake my head hoping that he got the gesture and he can just drop the topic. He also releases a sigh and continues to walk slightly ahead of me.

The advance troops all feel defeated with today's outcome.

(Timeskip) The Seireitei - senkaimon gate entrance.

Arriving back to the seireitei accordingly to orders by the head captain everyone in the advanced troops went there separate way's.

Ikkaku and Yumichika followed behind there Captain, Renji was standing next to Rukia as they both held remorseful look's I also was sharing the same expression.
I walked up to Renji, and Rukia. "Thank you. Both of you for defending my brother, I really appreciate it".

They both lightly nod and look to the ground. "You both know Ichigo will stop at nothing to get Orihime back right" I tried to lighten the mood.

Renji, and Rukia shared a glance my way with hope evident in there eyes. "Please go after him, and keep an eye on him." I urged, but more like demanded. Captain Kuchiki nodded his head towards Renji indicating that he is ready to leave as well.

Renji looked our way and followed behind his Captain. Rukia and I were left standing in silence until Toshiro gently wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Let's get you to Squad 4". He sternly reminded.

I rolled my eyes, as I placed my hand on top of his hand that was resting on my shoulder. "Goodbye Rukia" I lightly smile at her as Toshiro gently pulled me along with Rangiku trailing behind us admiring us from afar.

(Timeskip) squad 4 barracks

I was currently sitting on the edge of a white sheeted bed, as my feet were dangling back and forth, waiting for results from a squad 4 medic.

Toshiro was waiting patiently beside me sitting in a chair.

"Sorry to keep you both waiting. Captain Kurosaki and Captain Hitsugaya." The random squad 4 member says in a huff while entering the room.

"What is the result?" Toshiro firmly replied.

The random squad 4 member nervously stumbled upon his words at Toshiro's tone of voice. It makes me giggle at the thought, forgetting that he can be super blunt without realizing.
"Ahh.... O-ohhh! Right Captain Hitsugaya sir. From what I've gathered in the results from earlier tests, and diagnosis. Captain Kurosaki has a few wounds that hasn't been treated with the proper care. Lieutenant Kotetsu wants Captain Kurosaki to stay here in the 4th squad barracks for further treatment."

I huffed a loud sigh in annoyance not liking that I need to be bed ridden for a little while. "How long will I be here for this time?"

The random squad 4 member nervously smiled at me. "Uhhhh w-well maybe a week depending on how you take to the treatment. Lieutenant Kotetsu wants to start treatment right away, if your ready Captain Kurosaki, mam."

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