Chapter 32 - Kenpachi Zaraki Vs. Maki Ichinose

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Ari Kurosaki's POV

"And just how do you plan to keep us from getting to Kariya. Considering the fact that your out numbered 8 to 1 your pretty confident" Toshiro stated firmly

Ichinose held a stern expression while holding out his Zanpakuto standing his ground.

"Go on ahead I'll handle this situation myself" Toshiro orders, my eyes shifted from Ichinose to Toshiro in worry

"But captain" Rangiku plead

"I doubt that the Seireitei is under any serious threat but still. They've been steadily increasing there powers by absorbing reishi ever since they arrived".

"We'll go warn the others" Rangiku suggested while turning her head behind her looking towards Renji. "C'mon Renji let's go"

"I'm ready when you are"

The quite Ichinose moved his Zanpakuto to the right side of his body. "None of you are going anywhere". He threatens and his sword glows white as he rises his blade above his head.

"Flash and burst Nijigasumi" he calls out his Shikai as it lights up the night sky blinding us in a bright white light.

I shielded my eyes from the bright light as I turn to look at Toshiro and he held an angered expression. He grunted and charged towards Ichinose but he disappeared in plain sight.

My eyes widen when the Forest disappears and everyone else too and only seeing a blinding light. His Zanpakuto must disrupt the visual perception, and attack his enemies. This isn't good if we end up attacking each other. I was cut from my thoughts seeing a dark figure running at me in the distance once it got closer it was Ichinose.

I clenched my jaw and released my Zanpakuto. I swung my blade and clashed swords with Toshiro staring into his turquoise eyes, as he was staring into my brown ones. My eyes widen in shock realizing that it wasn't Ichinose

"Toshiro" I gasped

"Ari" He says softly.

We break apart from the close contact. "Where did you come from?" Toshiro asked in confusion.

"I was about to ask you the same thing. I could have sworn that Ichinose was attacking me but it turned out to be you"

Toshiro's eyes widen "but I don't get it?"

"What the hell is going on around here anyway" ichigo calls out.

"Don't get reckless, we'll end up attacking each other" Toshiro called out in warning.

"Damn it!! This must be his Zanpakuto's power" toshiro says in frustration.

"That's correct my Nijigasumi is a Zanpakuto of light. The light that NijigasumI releases reflects and refracts the air around you bending and altering the course of light to create a new space" Ichinose explains.

It was quite for a few moments until we heard a scream from Rangiku. Toshiro and I shared a worried expression. "If we stand here doing nothing he'll pick us off one by one". I stated in frustration

"None of you will be leaving here alive" Ichinose mocked

"Everyone be careful" Toshiro called out to everyone in alert.

It become awfully silent, as we stood anxiously waiting for Ichinose to strike. Suddenly the light around us began to shake as a huge amount of spiritual pressure casted out the large area of light around us.

"What was that explosion?" The orange haired female yelled out in confusion

We all took in our surrounding seeing Kenpachi blocking Ichinose from attacking Chad.

"What the hell?" Ichigo cursed

"Well if it isn't Ichinose. It's been a while" Kenpachi playfully smirked as Ichinose stared up in shock


The sound of steel was heard as Kenpachi and Ichinose were clashing swords but Kenpachi pushed back Ichinose with a stronger force and he fell to his knees on the ground.

As Kenpachi stood tall looking down at Ichinose, a little head of pink hair popped up from behind Kenpachi's shoulder. "We did it, we found ichi"

"Yachiru" the orange haired female called out in delight as she giggled

"Hi jiggles, how ya doin' I haven't seen you in a while"

"Ichigo when you visit the soul society, you should stop by and say hello to me first, I'll fire up the barbecue"

Ichigo had his right hand placed on his head and spoke with an unsure tone. "Umm I'll definitely do that next time"

"Zaraki" Toshiro sternly called out breaking the conversation.

Kenpachi turned his head behind him to look at Toshiro. "Hey looks like things have been getting pretty entertaining around here lately"

Toshiro hummed in response as he closed his eyes in annoyance.

"Captain Zaraki the other Bounts have already left to attack the Seireitei, we would have gone as well but Ichinose stopped us" renji informed

Kenpachi ahhed in understanding

"Kenpachi Zaraki" Ichinose says in a pant

Kenpachi turned around facing Ichinose as he was still on the ground. "Ichinose they tell me you would rather live with Bounts then with your own kind".

"What I do is none of your concern"

"The head of the Bounts, his name is Kariya right!"

"I don't have to tell you anything" Ichinose says in defense

"Hmmm you haven't changed at all. So what's your plan? You were probably given orders to stop these guys weren't you. And if that's what you want then I won't try and stop you"

"What have you completely lost your mind" Toshiro says sternly cutting in the conversation

"That is unless you still have a grudge against me. In which case maybe you would like to fight me instead"

Ichinose's eyes widen in surprise at Kenpachi's words and he stood to his feet. He stayed silent for a few moments like he was deep in thought. He gripped the hilt of his Zanpakuto and held it horizontally outwards in front of him.

"Your face shows more determination then the last time I saw you, all thought that's not saying much" Kenpachi mocked

"Kenpachi Zaraki I will cut you down" ichinose yells in anger as his spiritual pressure rises and the air around us began to become thick.

"Excellent I was beginning to get bored. Let's get started then show what this bount has taught you, have you proved at all"

"Alright Kenny and maki give it everything you got!" Yachiru cheered

"Be quite and let me concentrate. Go watch some place else" he ordered his little lieutenant.

"Okayyyy" she says climbing off Kenpachi's shoulder and jumped towards us.

"Kenpachi" ichigo calls out

"Hey I think it's best if we let Kenny and maki settle this one by themselves" the little pink haired lieutenant advised

"You sure about that"

Yachiru nodded her head confident. "After all what happened I think maki would like it that way"

"I guess I understand" ichigo's says softly in defeat.

"We got to go" Toshiro says in a hurry as he ran off in the other direction and we all followed in suit behind him. "He's all yours"

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