Chapter 49 - Clash! The Protector vs. The Bearer

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Ari Kurosaki's POV

I was trying to move as fast as possible to reach ichigo! But I stopped in my tracks sensing Toshiro, and renji releasing there Gentei Kaijo the department of research and development finally approved it. I lightly smiled knowing that Toshiro could defeat Shawlong. I just hope that he is okay? My light smile vanishing into a worried frown. Suddenly my soul pager began ringing in my Shihakushō. I grabbed the device from under my robe and flipped it open placing it against my ear.

"Captain Kurosaki you have been approved for Gentei Kaijo".

"Thank you". I say and quickly hang up the phone, placing it back under my robe. I exhale a breath and continue on my way to Ichigo I just hope that I'm not to late.


Finally arriving at Ichigo's location the area wasn't hard to miss, seeing the roads damaged, buildings with cracked windows and street lights laying flat on there sides. I spot ichigo laying against a beamed fence and a man with blue hair, and a hollow mask covering the right side of his cheek. He was walking in a fast paced towards ichigo. His spiritual pressure was crushing with each step he took, definitely stronger then his other subordinates.

I was quick to intervene and stopped the blue haired mans fist before it could collide into Ichigo's face.

"Ari, what are you doing here?" Ichigo rasps.

I lightly smirk. "Saving you idiot".

Still holding onto the blue haired mans wrist I kick him backwards creating a distance between us.

The man laughed with a smirk plastered on his face. "And who are you?"

"I'm Ari Kurosaki, captain of squad 9".

"Hmmm a captain aye? I think this just got more interesting". He evilly grinned.

"Ichigo stay here, I will take care of this espada".

Ichigo stared at me with a stern look, as his lips were in a frown.

I placed my hand in front of my face, gathering up my spiritual pressure bringing my visored powers to life. My hollow mask was very similar to Ichigo's but mine had teal markings going along my forehead and down to the side of my cheeks.

I brought out my zanpakuto calling it's name. "Pour ugetsu" as it shifted into its Shikai form.

I flashed stepped and appeared behind him as he was standing in mid-air, his eyes widen in shook. I lightly smirk. "Your too slow". I kicked him in the back sending him flying into the pavement.

He got up from the ground and dusted himself off. "I'm going to kill you, soul reaper".

Before he could attack I reappeared in front of him and slashed my sword against his chest, blood splattered about, and he groaned aloud. "Damn you bitch".

I towered over him as he was on his knees. "Your the one who will die here espada".

I place one of my hands on the wrapped guard of my sword. "Getsuga Tenshō".

My zanpakuto was right in front of the espada, the slash attack taking form of a black and lilac wave. I jumped backwards, waiting for the dust to clear from the attack.

"Is that all you've got soul reaper girl?". The espada panted. My attack caused Marks on his chest and forearms which will end up leaving a scar. He was again standing in mid-air.

I started to walk towards him like he was doing to ichigo moments ago but in mid-air before I could make an attack. My body froze, like someone had ripped out my spiritual pressure. I slightly turned behind me to notice none other then Kaname Tōsen. The espada's eyes widened in shook too.

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