Chapter 72 - She Wake's (filler)

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Chapter 70 - she wake's

Toshiro Hitsugaya's POV

Finally after hours of waiting patiently, it was my turn. I have been sitting beside Ari's bed on a chair enjoying the peace and quiet. The only sound heard was Ari's oxygen mask, giving her life. My finger's were laced through her's out of comfort to reassure myself. I just want her to wake up.

Placing my head in my free hand in frustration! I felt a pull come from Ari's finger's I shift my head to look at her hand that was clasped in mine, eyes widen in surprise.

Her eyes flutter open, she gaze's around the room and she starts to shake in panic. My hand that was clasped through her finger's
I gently squeezed it in reassurance. I felt her squeeze back, and I stand to my feet kneeling beside her bed. She raises her other hand towards her oxygen mask probably wanting to take it off.
But I lightly frown and shake my head from left to right. "Ri I'm sorry, but you can't!"

She relaxes and placed her hand back down resting it beside her. I remove my hand that was clasped through her fingers and gently brush my finger along her cheek. "I will get Isane to check you"

She softly nod's and I walk towards the closed door, I spare a glance at her and shift my gaze back to the door. I grip the handle opening the door.
I see Renji and Ikkaku standing with there back's facing me. They both turn seeing me exist the room and I shut the door behind me.

"Any news captain Hitsugaya?" Renji asks in concern.

"She finally woke up."

Renji and ikkaku lightly smile at the good news

I placed my arms against my chest. "I want 1 of you to find Lieutenant Kotetsu"

"I will go Captain Hitsugaya Sir". Renji insisted.

"Thank you Lieutenant"

Renji nod's and formally bows. He flash steps out of sight and I stay put waiting for their return.


After Isane assessed Ari's current state. She was pleased to see that she is making a good recovery. Which I'm pleased about. The only thing we need to make certain of, is not letting the Ryoka get near Ari, while she is still recovering.

I was waiting patiently outside of Ari's room door with my arm's crossed against my chest. Shūhei was visiting her once again, that I allowed. He told me that he has quite a bit of paperwork to get done, including Ari's load of paperwork, that's why I was willingly to let him see her, because I know he won't be here until tomorrow night or maybe a few days.
That way I get to enjoy my time with her, it's sounds selfish but with her I always am.

I heard the door handle, and darted my eyes to the object seeing it turn downwards. The door opens and Shūhei exists the room, shutting the door behind him.

"She's all yours Captain" Shūhei cracks a smirk and tap's my shoulder lightly, leaving me standing there in embarrassment.

I clench my jaw in annoyance feeling my cheeks go warm at his words, but I was quick to shake my head from the awkwardness and wasted no time entering inside Ari's room.
I take a seat on the empty chair beside her bed, making myself comfortable.
Ari was sleeping but this time without the gas mask to help her breathe.
I lightly smile more pleased with the recovery process.
I moved my chair closer to her bed, and slipped my hand into Ari's giving it some warmth.

(Time skip)

Ari Kurosaki's POV

I exhale a deep breath. I could feel something or maybe someone holding my hand. I softly flutter my eyes open. Gazing up at the ceiling, it's very blurry so I blinked a few more times trying to clear the tiredness from my sight.
I shift my head slightly towards a figure sitting beside my bed.
As my vision was getting clearer I see Toshiro hunched over, his head was resting on the edge of my bed, eyes shut, mouth slightly parted as he was breathing steadily fast asleep.
I lightly smile at him.

I shift my head back on the pillow staring back up at the white ceiling. My body feels stiff, like I can't move. I deeply sigh in tiredness.
I shut my eyes about to fall back to sleep, but a light knock at the door disturbs me from my slumber.
It was silent from inside this room. Toshiro still fast asleep and I well I didn't want the person on the side of the door to know I'm awake.
I hear another knock at the door slightly louder than before.
I could feel Toshiro shift beside me on the bed, and he grips my hand lightly.
The person behind the door turn's down the door handle and poke's their head inside the room. I see Isane looking at me with a light smile on her face.
"Oh Ari you're awake!"

I also share a light expression in return. "Hi Isane"

Isane steps inside the room, and shut's the door behind her. "Sorry I didn't mean to disturb you Captain Kurosaki. I'm here to check over your wounds"

I lightly nod my head in response. "Isane you're fine" then I shift my gaze down to Toshiro. "We might have to disturb this one from his beauty sleep"

Isane deeply blushes, lightly laughing at my joke. Just realizing that Toshiro was fast asleep on the edge of my bed. "Oh Captain Kurosaki maybe I can come back later!"

I playfully smirk. "Isane what's with the deep complexion? Huh!!"

Isane then was quick to her own defense as she was putting up her hands shaking them from left to right. "Ahh! Captain Kurosaki's nothing, I..I will come back later. Bye". She quickly stutters and rushes out the room.
Leaving me with Toshiro once again now the only sound heard was his light snores.

3 hours have passed

I was still awake from earlier, and was trying my best to fall back asleep but didn't have any luck in doing so. Isane hasn't come back either, I wonder if she will come back at all or maybe she will come back tomorrow.

I wonder if Shuhēi has been okay without me? Or even all the squads dealing with all the matters right now. What about the Ryoka? Have they been dealt with or will they come back stronger then what we'd hoped.

I could feel stirring coming from Toshiro's body snapping me out of my deep thoughts. I shift my gaze to look at him, seeing him open his turquoise eyes, it always brings a smile to my face.
He lifts his head up from the edge of my bed and sits properly on his chair. He softly yawn's and stretches his arm's above his head.
In realization he almost fall's off his chair. "Ari!!!"

I lightly laugh at his dazed state from just waking up. "Hi Shiro"

He quickly wraps his arms around my laying body and kisses my cheek ever so lightly. "Ari I'm glad that you're okay! I was worried sick about you"

He pulls back from the long embrace and cups the side of my face with his hand. I place my hand over his and lightly squeeze it. "Toshiro I'm okay, I promise."

He gazes at me intently with his turquoise eyes, as his lips are holding a firm line not convinced. "I'm just glad, your awake."

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