Chapter 52 - The Nightmare Arrancar! (Filler)

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Ari Kurosaki's POV

"Toshiro" Momo called out through the giant screen I smiled seeing the young girl look a little bit better.

"It's you, Hinamori you woke up!".

Momo nodded her head in response and Toshiro continued to talk. "Umm is it alright for you to be walking around".

Momo lightly smiled in reassurance but I could clearly see the big bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep, it made me frown. "Yes I'm feeling all better now"

"That's good."

Suddenly Momo smile turned into a saddened frown "Toshiro forgive me, I'm so sorry that I ever doubted you, I'm sorry I drew my sword against you I don't know what I was thinking I'm really such a".

"Stop!". Toshiro cuts off Momo. "I never let any of that bother me, it doesn't matter just forget about it. Toshiro says while scratching the top of his forehead. "Because I know that i already have, now hurry get back to bed, your starting to get bags under your eyes."

I roll my eyes in annoyance at Toshiro's choice of words towards Momo, he could have said it a lot nicer. I could see Momo eyes began to tear as she wiped them. "Kay thank you so much Toshiro and thank you Captain Kurosaki."

I softly smile in return. "Your welcome Momo".

I gazed towards Toshiro and saw his smile and I couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear seeing him this way.

"Because you know Momo even though your older now you still look like a little kid and children need twice as much sleep as grown ups or you stop growing, just take a look at Rangiku, you'd have to sleep for 10 straight years to just grow up as big as she is".

"Toshiro you don't need to be so mean". I defended Momo he playfully smirked towards me, and I just rolled my eyes.

"Just shut up, rangiku's a freak of nature. Besides you of all people shouldn't talk about growing big Toshiro" Momo tried to argue back.

Toshiro raised his voice in authority. "MOMO! How many times do I have to tell you, I'm not just Toshiro anymore I'm Captain Hitsugaya."

It fell silent as I saw momo's once frustrated expression turn into a soft smile at her childhood best friend. "Yes of course."

The silence filled the air once again, as Toshiro and I were both smiling at Momo.

"Hey can I ask you something Captain Hitsugaya."

"Yes what is it?"

"Are you going to fight Captain Aizen? Are you going to kill him?". Momo softly questions

Toshiro's smile faded and he held a blank expression my smile to dropped and I could feel the room become tense as I see Toshiro clenching his fist at his side.

What Momo says next made my eyes widen in fear. "Please save him, don't kill Captain Aizen please, I know that everyone thinks what Captain Aizen is doing, is really bad but I'm sure that he just has a perfectly good reason for doing all of this." Momo has her arms wrapped around her small frame as she looked up from the ground and her tone picked up sounding more crazy then before. "That's it I'm sure that Captain Aizen is being forced by Captain Ichimaru or someone else".

Suddenly Momo got cut short as a hand was covering her face. The head Captain was standing next to her and Lieutenant Sasakibe caught her before she fell to the ground.

I deeply sighed. "I'm sorry I was trying to respect her wishes by allowing her to speak with you, but it seems that it is still too soon". The head captain says sternly

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