Chapter 2 - The West Rukon District

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A/N Timeskip: Ari is 5 years old in this chapter I'm making her seem older with the way she thinks and acts.

Junrinan was the district Ari grew up in, with her granny. She met the old lady on a very cold night, Ari was hopelessly wondering trying to find shelter and came across a little cute house just outside where the main town of where people resided in. The house was surrounded by giant trees and beautiful green grass, well that night it was covered in snow. She collapsed from exhaustion and frost bite. The old lady found Ari, and brought her inside. Ever since that night the old lady told Ari to stay as long as she liked.

Now Ari has been with her granny for 2 years but here it feels like more. She smiles thinking back of her younger self thinking of the cute nickname for the old happy lady.

Ari Kurosaki's POV

"Dear please can you go into town to pick up some groceries". Granny asked sweetly!

I smiled from ear to ear giving her a hug "of course granny". I accepted, as she handed me a piece of paper of the list of stuff I needed.

I place the piece of paper in my kimono pocket to keep it safe, and grabbed our basket we use for picking up groceries.

I gave granny one last hug. She squeezed me tight and released me, looking fondly at me. "be safe little one". I giggled at her for being so over protective sometimes. "Granny I will be fine". I stated confidently before leaving the house and into the town.

Once entering the busy streets of the main town, I retrieved my piece of paper from my kimono pocket, looking over at the list of items I needed to get, herbs, vegetables, and 2 plants. I went to the first few stalls retrieving the herbs.

I placed the herbs in my basket and handed the old lady coins, she kindly smiled at me and grabbed the coins. I smiled back "thank you ma'am". I moved on to the next few stalls, grabbing a few onions, green beans, and a large cabbage. I gave more of my coins that granny gave me to the old lady at the little stall and placed all the vegetables in the basket.

Now the only thing on the list that I needed was 2 plants which was at the other end of the main town so it was a far walk to get to. As I walked, I thought of the strangest thing, granny has mentioned to me that I have died and now I'm a soul as she too. But like humans don't souls get hungry too I thought? As the market came in my reach I shrugged off the thought and focused on getting the items I need so I can get home before dark.

"Hello please can you help me find this plant?". I asked polity as I handed him the piece of paper. The old man at his stall smiled at me kindly and grabbed the paper looking at it. "I'm sorry little one but this plant is in the next town". He explained as he handed the piece of paper back to me.

I smiled back "thank you Mister". He smiled back politely and I walked off in the direction to the next town.

I sighed annoyed at the fact I needed to go to the next town for this plant. But I instantly changed my thought process when I remembered its for Granny, so I continued on in the next town finding the plant.

As I continued walking I didn't see any town up ahead I must have gone in the wrong direction I thought to myself. I sighed out of annoyance and frustration for being careless and getting myself lost. I sat down on the dirt tired from all the walking in a day.

As the sun started to set I thought that I better get moving before it really gets dark, as I got up I fell back down to the ground still exhausted, I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion not understanding that other times I have done more of the amount of walking and it has never made me this tired.

My vision started to get fuzzy and all I thought of was how hungry I am, and all I wanted was food. I held my stomach as I heard it grumble for the first time. Again I tried to pick myself up and hopefully make it to the town before dark. I slowly dragged my feet across the dirt feeling more dizzy then before. Still clutching the basket with the items I got for Granny around my forearm. As I continued to slowly drag my feet along the dirt, up ahead in the distance I saw this horrifying creature with a white mask and an animal like body. Munching on souls, my body froze and all I could do was just stare at the foul monster seen before me.

"What is that thing". I said aloud trembling. Once it noticed me. My eyes widen and I cried of fright. I fell to the ground by the strong force of the foul creature and in that moment was when I realized that I might die.

Come on Ari move, MOVE! I encouraged trying to snap myself out of this daze.

The creature was coming closer. I dropped the basket of items and started running never looking back. I was crying of panic just wanting to find somewhere safe to hide, but having no luck made me panic more. I screamed as the creature almost hit me, with its claws. As I continued to run up ahead I saw abandoned house, I quickly ran inside. Knowing full well that this might be the dumbest idea. The abandoned house was a complete mess. I was looking through boxes or anything I could use as a weapon until I came across a blunt katana sword I grabbed it and tried to find a way out of here without that creature knowing that I escaped.

There was a broaded window, I used the end of the katana swords hilt to crack it open so I can slip through. As I made it through successfully I ran back towards the forest hoping I can get to the main town. As I continued running I didn't hear that foul creature after me, I smiled in victory hoping now that I can be left alone in peace. But That was short lived when the creature jumped right in front of me, clawing my left arm I screamed in agony at the new feeling I have never felt before. I dropped to my knees in defeat to this disgusting creature.

"You smell good". The foul creature expressed slyly. "You will definitely taste better then those other souls I devoured". He mocked.

I clenched my hand holding the katana sword hilt tighter in my good arm, angry at the thought of this foul creature eating innocent souls, it made me so angry I saw RED!!

My hand that was clenching the hilt of the katana started trembling. The creature made its move again but this time I surprised myself with what I did. I slashed the katana sword through the middle of the foul creature shocking myself with this action but having the movement feel natural like I have wielded a sword before. "You're the most foulest creature I have ever met". I yelled with anger. It screamed in pain and disappeared.

I stood and looked at my bloody wound, everything coming to realization that I almost died and I killed something. I started shaking, I dropped the katana sword and fell to the ground in exhaustion.

As I stared at the dirt all I could think of was Granny. I could feel water start to trickle down my cheeks unwillingly on the ground. Everything was getting too much I thought that I could never go back to granny like this, what would she think of me for killing? What would happen if that creature comes back and kills her I wouldn't forgive myself. As I continued to list off all the negative things of this is who I am now and I can't change anything.

The tears still kept falling as I was bent over on all fours "I love you Granny". Said aloud between sobs, and smiled a little as I stood to my feet clutching the katana sword, I raised it in the air as the moon was gleaming in the night sky looking at the sword shinning in the moonlight. "This is my new path". I spoke calmly accepting what my new journey will hold for me.

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