Chapter 80 - The Darkness Which Moves

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A/N: I'm sorry for my lack of updating i was sick last week. I promise there will be more chapters this week 🩷
Sending all my love to my readers for always commenting, liking and reading everything it means the world.
Anyone else watching the thousand year blood war ARC? Damn!!! I can't wait too see Toshiro level up I'm screaming!!!!

Ari Kurosaki's POV

Ichigo, Rukia, Shū, Captain Amagai and I were standing in a circle thinking of a plan of action.

"So what's the next step?" Ichigo questions.

"There are a few places I think we should check out." Captain Amagai suggested.

"Just the 5 of us?" Ichigo says in an unsure tone.

"I'm only helping you people for my own personal reasons. I can't involve my squad in this affair. I sent them back to the barracks. However, Aida and a few others have agreed to pitch in." Captain Amagai informs

I shift my gaze from ichigo and glare at Amagai getting caught in my thoughts. Thinking what exactly is his personal reasons for actually helping this young boy?'
But ichigo was quick to question him for him before I could.

"I'm curious. Why are you so willing to drop everything and help us? You might be making enemies of other soul reapers."

And ichigo wasn't wrong, I already have a hatred  for this man.

"Like I said, I have my own personal interests." Captain Amagai said it with a growing smirk.

"Would you mind elaborating on what they might be?" I bluntly cut in

"Huh. Sure, I suppose I could. But first we should really get out of here. I'll explain everything while we move." Captain Amagai casually agrees which did not sit right with me.

"Right." Ichigo agrees. "Shū." Ichigo turns to the young boy in a kneeled position on the ground

"Oh, yes." Shū quickly hops on ichigo back piggy back style.

And we all gather into a run in the other direction. As i kept my distance and stayed in the back behind ichigo I feel 2 spiritual pressures near by. That could be quite concerning.

As we continued to run Captain Amagai began yo tell us his personal reasons as to why he is helping us. "There's a man named Makoto who's the third seat in my squad. He's extremely capable... but I've learned he's somehow connected to the Kasumioji clan."

"One of your own men? Ichigo questions in shock.

"What's more, he's kept that connection a secret. Even before you people showed up, something wasn't right. I was suspicious."

"In this incident, do you think he's somehow involved with it? Rukia sternly says.

"I don't know. But just in case, I had Izuru keep an eye on him, and Makoto's been missing since this morning."

I hear Shū make a groan sound uneasy at this information. I clench my jaw not buying this for a second. I feel like there is something bigger to all of this.

Captain Amagai as we followed behind. "In fact, Izuru's searching for him now."

"So that's why he wasn't with you? Ichigo says in understanding.

"It's troubling to suspect one of my own.... But I have a bad feeling about this." Captain Amagai says in unsettling tone.

"Then instead of shuttling us around, shouldn't you go and report this to your higher ups?" Ichigo questions Amagai with a really good point.

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