Chapter 55 - the Sorrowful Parting of Brother and Sister (Filler)

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Ari Kurosaki's POV

We finally reach Rangiku and find her kneeling on one knee in mid air facing the main Arrancar.

"Rangiku! Step aside." Toshiro shouts loudly as he releases his Zanpakutō his ice dragon already leaking from his sword. "Reign over the frosted heavens Hyōrinmaru". Toshiros yells as he swings his sword seeing the huge ice dragon appear. The ice dragon goes pass Rangiku and the original Arrancar and goes straight for the clones on the ground.

It wiped out the 7 clones instantly creating upturn frozen ice wave. I lightly smirk impressed by my boyfriend's strengths.

"What's this?" The original arrancar says in shock.

Suddenly Toshiro releases another ice dragon going for the original, Hyōrinmaru bites down on the arrancar's upper arm, as he groans in pain from the attack. The ice pushes him towards the ground and slamming him against it.

"Captain!" Rangiku calls in worry.

"Get Shōta". He calls in a hurry.

Rangiku quickly turns around and heads towards the ground. Once she reached the ground she runs up to Shōta and hugs him tight.

Toshiro and I follow in suit landing on the ground to. "Get ready" Toshiro calls as we watch his ice shattered to pieces revealing the Arrancar.

It scream in rage breaking the ice and stomps his foot staring at us. "Who are you?"

"I am the captain of squad 10, Toshiro Hitsugaya". Toshiro says loud and proudly.

"A captain woah!"

"you seem to have no idea that we are in the world of the living I doubt that your taking orders from Aizen. So then I guess that also means that you must have matured after absorbing that girls spirt energy". Toshiro states a matter of fact.

The arrancar steps back in shock. "You bastard".

"Like I said prepare to die". Rangiku threatens.

Toshiro walks up closely to the Arrancar. "Are you sure, you want to do that? If you kill me that girl will go down as well". The arrancar harshly reminds.

"I know!". Toshiro says in confidence and walks closer towards the foul beast. "We already figured that out based on the results we got from the soul society. But you and all of your weak threats don't mean a thing t-". Toshiro was suddenly cut off by Shōta running in front us spreading out his arms in trying to stop us from advancing further.

"Shōta what is it?" Rangiku questions in worry.

"Yui's still alive, she told me to run away but I have to try and save her". The little boy cries trying to reason.

"I'm afraid I can not save one soul for the risk of losing the entire city". Toshiro says bluntly.

Shōta then stops toshiro's holding him in place and begins to plead in protest. "No you have to".

"Shōta stop!". Rangiku orders.

The arrancar jumps high in the air and I'm quick to react and charge towards it.

"Watch out". I hear Toshiro say to Shōta as he pushes him out the way.

I turn back to look at Toshiro. "Toshiro I got this".

The arrancar is a few meters a head of me but I quicken my pace and reach him from behind as I was swinging my blade he disappeared in thin air. I stopped in my tracks and turn around checking my surrounding trying to sense his spiritual pressure but didn't have any luck. I heard the foul creature begin to evilly laugh like this was all a game.

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