Chapter 60 - Hueco Mundo Moves Again! hitsugaya Vs. yammy

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Ari Kurosaki's POV

I was sitting on Orihime's apartment roof waiting for the sun to rise. Toshiro and Rangiku were still sleeping. Since yesterday's battle with the Arrancar's I have felt a little uneasy at the thought more of them will show up, and will be stronger.

I deeply sigh trying to shake away any negative thoughts from my mind, and refocused my attention towards the sky.

I felt pressure on my shoulder, knowing who it was. "Ari I thought you would be up here!" Toshiro says softly.

I lightly smile at the thought of him knowing me so well. He sat beside me and wrapped a warm blanket around us. I leaned my head on his shoulder and cozied myself into his side. He pressed his lips upon my forehead and rested his head against mine and we both watched the run rise in silence.

(Timeskip) around noon.

Toshiro, Rangiku, ikkaku, Yumichika and I were in a park far away from any humans. we were using this time to harness our zanpakutō's in hopes to get stronger for our current enemies.

I was sitting on a rock with my legs crossed over the other. My zanpakutō was pressed into the rock facing upwards. Toshiro was also in the same position on another rock facing me. Ikkaku too was on another rock doing the same thing in silence I think out of the 5 of us we were the only 3 taking this seriously. It was silent for an hour until Yumichika started yelling in frustration.


I saw Rangiku throw a rock at Yumichika's head. "Shut up, what is wrong with you anyway Yumichika".

Yumichika dramatically turns around. "My Fuji Kujaku is totally ticking me off, he is such an obnoxious snob, when he is bossy and thinks he's the best looking guy in the whole world. I hate him, I hate him. I can never fight next to him again, in fact if he was the last sword in this world you couldn't pay me to fight along side this jerk, not EVER!!!! Even if he begged me".

Rangiku was looking at Yumichika like he was the biggest idiot, I sure thought so listening to his annoying yelling about his sword.

"What are you talking about? He is exactly like you". Rangiku states a matter of fact which made Yumichika groan in disgust being compared to his zanpakutō.

"Now my Haineko is a stupid, needy, selfish, temperamental, lazy, and moody slob when which you boli it down to basics, which makes her the total opposite to my personality". Rangiku whines listing all the things wrong with her zanpakutō.

Yumichika disagreed. "Yeah well I think that's you to a T. I bet your the kind of person of who whenever she looks at a picture of herself, she says OH! Look at me I'm so fat!!"

"What did you say Yumichika? I dare you to say that once more" Rangiku furiously threatens.

While trying to block out there arguing I kept chanting in my head ignorance is bliss, I peaked an eye open seeing Toshiro getting frustrated at there behavior. "AHHHH WILL YOU TWO JUST SHUT THE HELL UP AND CONCENTRATE OR I'LL SEND YOU BACK TO THE SOUL SOCIETY. Honestly! Hmm can't they at least talk to there swords more quietly".

Ikkaku and I were silent, the feeling I had made me uneasy knowing that something bad will happen sooner or later, ikkaku turned his hard gaze up towards the sky. "The clouds, are moving"

"Hmm I'm sorry did you say something ikkaku?" Toshiro asks in confusion.

Ikkaku looked towards Toshiro like he wanted to say something. "Never mind forget it, it's nothing."

There was finally some silence but it was short lived, my eyes widened at the enormous spiritual pressure knowing full well that this time it's not arrancar.
Toshiro, Rangiku, ikkaku, Yumichika, and I shared worried looks

"Arrancar's already? They are a little early aren't they!" Yumichika questions in panic.

"Yes they are definitely early, but there's no time for us to sit around and figure out why!" Toshiro added sternly.

My eyes scanned the 4 Arrancar's that appeared before us and my eyes widened more noticing the blue haired espada. Knowing it's him from the scar I left behind from our last battle. I also noticed the big dark skinned man from when I first arrived to the world of the living, the fight I shared with lady yourichi and Kisuke.

I see the blue haired espada quickly leave the 3 others behind, knowing full well that he probably wants to fight Ichigo again I just hope that this time he can fight him and deliver.

The giant dark skinned man charged towards us and we all wasted no time changing into our soul reaper forms. Toshiro clashed swords with the giant man. "I'm squad 10 Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya."

"That's quite a coincidence I'm also a 10, arrancar 10 better known as yammy".

Toshiro eyes widen in realization. "Your number 10? Then that means, that you are an espada".

"Yeah you seem to know about us, it seems that you had been fighting somebody who obviously has a big mouth". Yammy playfully teases

I was standing beside Toshiro with my sword in a fighting stance. "Oh I remember you little girl."

Yammy says in recognition. I lightly smirk. "I almost defeated you with my slash attack that was similar to your cero." I stated a matter of fact hoping to make him mad. "If it wasn't for your black haired friend you probably would be dead".

Yammy clenched his jaw "shut up, what's your name you little brat."

"I'm squad 9 Captain Ari Kurosaki". I firmly stated.

Yammy's eyes widen in acknowledgment "lord Aizen warned us about you."

My light smirk turned more wide knowing that he would.

Ikkaku and Yumichika were facing off against the short black haired guy with pink markings on his forehead. "I take it that your an espada to? Yumichika questions.

"That's right! My name is Luppi, I'm ranked number 6". The espada pulled down the top of his pants showing the printed 6 on his hip bone.

Rangiku was facing the blonde haired espada with a pink sword, the boy seemed distracted playing with birds.

Rangiku stared in confusion. "Can I, can I cut that one".

I could feel Ichigo's spiritual pressure being released. Ichigo please be okay I mentally prayed.

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