Chapter 6 - Graduation day & Squad 2

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A week has passed and today is graduation day. I will graduate with all the 6th year students to say I was a little nervous was an understatement. Once I mentioned to lady Yoruichi about wanting to join her squad, she said that I will be able to join with no problem and also said that she will have a surprise for me on graduation day, since being in the infirmary with her, it has made me wonder what this surprise will be. I know that some of the 6th year students will instantly be in a seat below lieutenant rank in a squad, which is still good considering so I thought of what seat in Squad 2 will I take? I shrugged off the thought and began to get ready. Standing in my little dorm room made me realize that today is the last time it will be useful to me. Thinking back to when I first started at this academy i didn't think that I would be finishing so early and so soon. It left me smiling proud of my accomplishments.

Once I was finished putting my school uniform on, I made sure before leaving that everything in this dorm room was spotless. I didn't have any belongings when I first arrived so it made it a lot easier not having to carry anything. I placed the key on the desk, and took one last look around the room before leaving, I shut the dorm room door behind me and started walking down the corridor getting to the main assembly hall where the graduation will be held. I saw the entrance, and there were a lot of students gathered waiting to get in. I exhaled a breath of air that I was holding in. Well Ari this is it. I said to myself, preparing myself of what is coming. The line full of students was finally moving forward, and I followed along once entering the big hall it was filled with lots of people, including all the captains from the 13 court guard squads were present in line starting from the head captain to captain ukitake standing in order from 1 to 13. I found a seat near the front so I can pay attention to the ceremony. Which was about to start any minute now. All the students were finally all seated. "Now let the ceremony begin". The head captains gruff voice announced

The ceremony has been going on for an hour, the head captain was talking about the soul society and then I zoned out bored and wishing that the head captain would hurry up and get to the sorting of the students into squads. "Let's begin by placing the 6th year students into their chosen squads". The head captain said gruffly.

Finally the moment I have been waiting for has come. Now giving my full attention waiting for further announcements. "All the 6th year students please make your way to the front of the room". The head captain firmly ordered. I stood up from my seat and made my way to the front of the room with all the other 6th year graduates. We all stood in a line, facing the rest of the other students that came to watch the ceremony. The head captain started calling out students names to their assigned squads, now standing with their captains. As I waited patiently for my name to be called. I watched every other student names be called out and it made me wonder if I actually made the cut into lady yoruichi's squad I started to panic a little. Moments passed, now it felt like an entirely. "Lastly Ari Kurosaki". The guff voice of the head captain broke me out of my thinking trance. "Our new child prodigy, found in the West rukon district, is standing here with us finishing our 6th year program in 1 full year. Now being placed in our 13 court guard squads. As the new lieutenant for squad 2". The head captain finished speaking proudly. My eyes widen in shock not expecting such a high rank, I felt honored. I formally bowed "thank you head captain sir". I thanked him and moved to stand with my new squad, and captain. I smiled from ear to ear.

A/N: time skip 3 months since Ari has joined the 2nd squad.

I was sitting comfortably on a roof top in the 2nd barracks, waiting patiently for the sun to rise in the sky. There was a light breeze flowing through the air that made my hair travel with it, and it made me feel very content.  For the last 5 years this has been my morning ritual to start my day. I always enjoyed the alone time it brought, being a lieutenant has it perks of always being around people so I normally never get the alone time to refresh my mind. I sighed thinking of the busy day that I have planned today, and remembering that I still needed to finish off the last bit of my paper work. As I was deep in thought looking at the tiled roof, it started to light up with color I brought my gaze to look up above taking in the warm welcome of the bright color spreading through the sky. In that moment I forgot about my busy day and enjoyed the few seconds of this beautiful moment, it's all the little things that brings a smile to my face. The sun was shining brightly in the seireitei today, which meant that summer is definitely on its way. I finally stood to my feet, knowing that I can't sit here all morning I need to get moving.

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