Chapter - 53 The Swooping Descent of the Dark Emissary! (Filler)

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Ari Kurosaki's POV

Suddenly I'm awoken by that same loud flute sound, I stared down towards Toshiro seeing him stir awake.

"Toshiro it's the same flute sound". I shift my gaze seeing that Rangiku and the little soul boy, Bed's are empty.

Toshiro and I share a worried expression as we get up from our slumber and switch into our soul reaper forms. "Ari let's hurry".

I only nod my head in response as we left Orihime's tiny apartment, jumping from roof to roof hoping to find Rangiku. it felt like the loud flute sound had gotten louder then before.

Luckily we see Rangiku on a roof facing the same hollow that ikkaku killed but this doesn't make sense?

The little soul boy was watching from the ground as he was throwing rocks to help Rangiku.

My eyes widen seeing the hollow shoot a red beam towards the little boy as he went flying backwards off the ground. Luckily Toshiro was quick to the little boy's aid and caught him before he could fall.

"Captain, and captain Kurosaki" Rangiku called out in relief.

"Take him out." Toshiro orders sternly trusting his lieutenant.

"Yes captain". Rangiku responses and turns back to the hollow in a fighting stance, she charges towards the hollow but the hollow dodges her attack. Rangiku is quick to counter as she draws her sword in front of her, calling its name. "Growl Haineko". Her sword disappears into ash, following the hollow, the said beast groans in pain from the attack and falls off the roof.

Toshiro and I were quick to release our Zanpakutō's and face it at the hollow's head stopping it from going any further. "Rangiku we are taking this one alive."

"Understood captain."

Suddenly the hollow started to laugh.

I clench my jaw in annoyance at its behavior. "What are you laughing at?" I spat harshly.

"You don't really think you caught me, do you?"

After hearing his words Toshiro and I held a confused expression. Suddenly another appeared as my eyes widened not believing that I'm seeing 2 of the same hollow. "Another one". Rangiku states in confusion.

And another appeared now 3 were standing before us. "How many are there?" Rangiku questions

One of the 3 hollows laughed "we are just getting started."

More appeared and now we were all surrounded. "What the?" Toshiro says in shock.

My eyes widen in realization. "They are identical, now it makes sense." The real one must be hiding somewhere while his minions do his dirty work.

The hollows began to attack and went after the little soul boy, he quickly ran in a hurry away from the foul beast.

Rangiku was quick to his aid, as she brought out her Zanpakutō "Haineko" she yelled and her sword once again vanished into ash after the hollow.

The 2 hollows received 1 large cut through there shoulders. As Rangiku called out to the boy by his name. "Shōta" and placed him behind her as she was In a defense stance.

The more we looked around the more hollows were surrounding us. "It doesn't matter how many of us you kill". The hollow says in a sly tone. we watched the hollow form another hollow like a clone.

Rangiku receives a call from Yumichika. "We have detected a large group of these things, we detected the same spiritual pressure that we felt earlier today. Ikkaku and I followed it to the source and now we are completely surrounded by them can you explain to us what the hell is going on here? C'mon I thought Ikkaku killed this guy already."

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