Chapter 70 - Thankful (filler)

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Toshiro Hitsugaya's POV

I gasped loudly, as I jolted forwards in panic. I felt gentle hands on my shoulders. "Captain, I'm glad your that alright" Rangiku cries in relief.

I took in my surroundings, seeing that I'm in the 4th squad barracks, laying in a hospital bed. "What happened?

Rangiku shows a frown. "Well Captain we aren't sure what happened exactly?" We found you unconscious"

I clench my jaw in frustration. "That damn ryoka". Remembering all the mind torture that Ryoka put me through. My eyes widen in realization "Rangiku! Have you heard anything on Ari's condition".

She is still holding a frown. "Unfortunately no. I'm sorry Captain".

I exhale a exasperated sigh. "It just keeps getting more diffcult".


I was discharged from the 4th squad barracks, luckily my injuries weren't serious and I got to go back on duty guarding the area. I stopped by Ari's room checking in on renji and Ikkaku, everything has been good, but unfortunately there is no sign of the Ryoka. It's like they have disappeared for good.

At least now, i know 1 of the Ryoka's abilities hopefully using it to our advantage.

"Captain Hitsugaya, do you remember anything from battling the Ryoka?" Renji questions.

I hummed in response, snapping out of my deep thoughts. "I'm about to report to the Head Captain of my intel".

Renji nods his head in understanding.

"Captain Hitsugaya. I heard that you were found unconscious, but it seems that your doing okay?" Shūhei says in a huff, like as if he had been running.

"I'm doing okay. The Ryoka tricked me with some kind of mind torture, and it got the better of me". I explain sternly.

"Mind torture? Captain!" Shūhei carefully questioned.

I nodded my head to clarify. "I'm for certain that it was his Zanpaukto's abilities. He made me believe that I had the upper hand, but caught me off guard sending me into a blank space of white and black."

Renji, ikkaku and Shūhei stared in surprise.

"The white space made me feel like I couldn't stand on my 2 feet, I kept swaying from left to right. The black space made me feel and see things I've never seen before like I was watching a movie inside of my head." I explained further.

"What exactly did you see Captain?" Shūhei curiously questioned.

I exhaled a sigh not really wanting to talk about it. I shook my head and looked towards the floorboards not being able to look at them. Just the thought of watching Ari suffer because of me, kills me from the inside out. "Sorry I can't"

It fell silent as renji, ikkaku and Shuūhei stared at me in sorrow.


Toshiro Hitsugaya's POV

Squad 1 barracks - night time.

I was currently waiting patiently inside the head captain's office, so I can report my findings of the Ryoka hoping that this information can be useful to us.

The head captain enters his office and stands behind his desk. "Captain Hitsugaya".

"Head Captain Sir." I say while placing a sheet of paper on his wooden desk.

He carefully gazes down at the paper on the desk, and hummed in response. "Captain Hitsugaya. Mind torture?"

"Yes head captain sir." I formally imply.

"I will hand this into the department of research and development immediately. If you think it's a zanpaukto then they can find the culprit. You are dismissed Captain Hitsugaya."

(Time-skip) - 4th squad barracks

Toshiro Hitsugaya POV

I was patrolling the 4th squad barracks area, feeling frustrated of the unknown of these Ryoka, but I also feel anxious for Ari I just want to see her already, being in her presents always puts me at ease, and not being able to receive it has been troublesome for me.

"Captain, Captain." I hear a loud urgent call from Rangiku.

She appeared in front of me bowed down on 1 knee. "It's Isane. She has some news for you".

My eyes widen and I flashed stepped out of sight and appeared in a random corridor in the 4th squad barracks, where Isane was standing with 3 other medic's.
Isane gasps as she stops in her tracks seeing me blocking her path.
Her facial expression changes from surprise to relief. "Captain Hitsugaya, just the person I wanted to see. We were on our way to visit Ari."

My eyes widen at the sound of her name. My eyes still holding onto that hope, hoping that any day now I will be able to see her.

"She is strong enough to have 1 visitor in her room now. After our treatment session, you are welcome to see her Captain Hitsugaya." Isane express's with a bright smile.

I nod my head in understanding, while holding a light relieved grin myself.
I stepped a side and placed out my arm in a gesture for Isane and her team of medic's to lead the way to Ari's room, even though I know the path by heart.
Isane still held that bright grin and started walking to Ari's room and the 3 medic's followed in suit and I trailed behind.

Upon arriving we all greet Renji and Ikkaku.

"Lieutenant Abarai, and 3rd seat Madarame, I would like to inform you under Captain Unohana's order's that Captain Kurosaki is only allowed 1 visitor at a time, if you both are unable to comply with these order's you both will be replaced as effected immediately." Isane throughly explained.

"Understood Lieutenant Kotetsu" they both reply in unison.

"Good! Captain Kurosaki is still weak from her Injuries and we can't afford to take any set back's"

Renji and ikkaku stood Aside for Isane and her trio of medic's. "We shouldn't take too long Captain Hitsugaya." Isane tried to reassure.

"Please don't rush it".

Isane nodded in respond and they all stepped inside the room and the door shut behind them.

I was pacing the corridor impatiently, Ikkaku was sitting against the wall with his zanpaukto resting at his side, and Renji was still standing with his arms crossed against his chest.
What felt like hours, but to be more specific, it was only an hour, 1 hour too long. Suddenly the sound of the door opened and Isane walked out with her trio of medic's my facial expression scrunched up in confusion as they were all encased in a green barrier.

Isane caught not only my confused expression, but Renji's and Ikkaku's too. "Like I explained earlier. Captain Kurosaki isn't stable for more than 1 visitor. The reason for the green barriers is to protect her weak spiritual pressure".

"Oh that makes more sense". Renji says in more understanding.

Isane and the trio of medic's cleared the entrance of the door for me. I finally step inside the room and I shut the door behind me, still facing the door.
I exhale a large breath and turn around seeing Ari laying in a bed with an oxygen mask covering her nose and mouth, She has an IV drip in her wrist, and her hair is spread across the white pillow. I slowly walk closer towards her, a little nervous if being to close is okay? "My Ri, my whole heart"
I express aloud feeling my myself shed tears in relief being in her present's I was down on my knees with my elbow's propped up on her bed, hand's clasped together in a praying position just being thankful in this moment.

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