Quartet Night

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(The members are busy watching Ai's voice actor as the Persona 3 male protagonist.)

Camus: I never noticed that Mikaze's voice actor portrayed this worthless character.

Reiji: He's not worthless Cam-Cam. His role is one of the prominent roles that this guy had done.

(Ai comes out of his room after he had heard the word "worthless.")

Ai: My voice actor is not worthless. He's pretty and adorable not worthless.

Reiji: That was just Myu-chan's opinion on him.

Ai: Where's Ranmaru?

Camus: Kurosaki went to the store to buy more ingredients for the cake.

Ai: Is the cake for Syo and Natsuki? They are coming here to practice for our segment on the Shining Live TV Show.

Reiji: Of course the cake is for them Ai-Ai.

Camus: I'm sure Kurusu and Shinomiya would enjoy the cake that Kurosaki made.

(Ranmaru came back from the store carrying stuff to make the cake.)

Reiji: I guess Ran-Ran would be busy with the cake for a while.

Camus: Obviously.

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