Ranmaru Kurosaki (ft. Natsuki)

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Ranmaru: I'm Ranmaru Kurosaki of QUARTET NIGHT. I'll be promoting this new shopping mall.

Ranmaru: Shining Productions wants me and the other members to take over the running of various stores in the mall.

Ranmaru: I'm promoting a hamburger shop. I worked at a restaurant for a long time and ate plenty of burgers when I was in America, so this suits me just fine.

Ranmaru: I'll be working with Ren. He seems better at bringing in customers than cooking. I know he'll keep his cool no matter how crazy it gets.

Ranmaru: It may only be for one day, but I've still gotta contribute to the bottom line as manager. My burgers are here for today only, so get 'em while you still can.

Natsuki: Maru! Look at this five-scoop ice cream! Ai taught me how to make it.

Ranmaru: Oh, right, you're at the ice cream shop. That's an impressive offering, with so much ice cream like that.

Natsuki: We've got a bunch of different toppings too. Like cute little chocolate sprinkles, walnuts, and other nuts too. We even have rice crackers.

Ranmaru: Nice. Rice crackers on ice cream is unexplored territory, but it's important to chase new flavors.

Ranmaru: Since this is a one day deal, you've gotta make sure the customers go home satisfied. Good luck, manager.

Ranmaru: How is it? Heh, told you so. The thick patties here are cooked on a huge open flame grill.

Ranmaru: A juicy burger patty deserves a perfect bun, and that's exactly what we deliver. Try my original menu item, the "Meat Lover's Special"!

Ranmaru: It's four patties topped with cheese, tomato, and my special sauce in a mega huge burger. I guarantee you'll be stuffed after just one.

Ranmaru: Shopping mall or not, I can appreciate any store that has good staff who care about their food.

Ranmaru: More than anything, I like seeing your face when you're eating something you like. Come back anytime if you wanna eat my burgers.

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