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(The boys are staring at Haruka who is on the computer of the dorm of Starish.)

Otoya: Isn't that just me or Haruka saw a picture of gender bending Starish?

Masato: We all notice that Ittoki. Someone photoshopped us as girls!

Natsuki: I look pretty as a girl!

All (except Natsuki.): Natsuki!

Natsuki: My bad.

Tokiya: Me as a girl doesn't look half bad.

Ren: You look weird as a girl Icchi.

Tokiya: My girly self is not weird Ren.

Syo: My female self has pink nails not black.

Ren: And it's short like you Ochibi-chan.

Syo: Stop calling me short Ren! You know I hate that!

Cecil: The female version of myself looks just like a Amazon princess.

Otoya: We get it, Cecil.

Masato: Now she's looking at Quartet Night as girls!

Ren: Bukky looks so pretty as a girl.

Masato: How's a tough rocker like Kurosaki-san look pretty as a girl?

Syo: Why's Ai have a short bob hairstyle?

Natsuki: Ai-chan looks so beautiful as a girl.

Cecil: Oh no! Camus is ugly as a girl!

Tokiya: Not as bad as Kotobuki-san.

(Haruka turns to the boys who are right behind her.)

All: Sorry to interrupt!

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