Quartet Night (ft. Starish)

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Camus: So the Heavens are promoting as a 6-member after Mikado had dysphonia. That's really pathetic.

Natsuki: It's not pathetic Myu-chan-senpai. On the last concert we had, He sang a duet with me.

Ai: But Natsuki's singing a solo song for the concert. Not a duet from that young boy.

Camus: You saw it from backstage did you Mikaze?

Ai: I did. That boy is younger than Natsuki.

Natsuki: He's thirteen years old Ai-chan. And very short compared to my height.

Reiji: I hope you're worried about one of the members being absent aren't you Ai-Ai?

Ai: I'm not worried.

Tokiya: My duet with Eiji was the talk of the town. Everybody was listening to it on the radio when it first aired.

Reiji: We all know that Tokki.

Ren: I can't believe my fans hated my duet with Van.

Reiji: Don't be glum Ren-Ren. Ai-Ai has heard the podcast about the Legend Star collabs.

Natsuki: Don't worry about the duet Ren-kun.

Ren: Um, Hijirikawa. Why can you say something about the duet with one of Heavens?

Masato: I can't stand Kira.

Camus: That's really pathetic Hijirikawa.

Masato: That guy beat me playing the piano for Lasting Oneness.

Ai: His piano skills are not as bad as yours.

Syo: My duet with Yamato was fun!

Ai: Don't raise your voice Syo. You'll wake up Ranmaru if you don't watch it.

Reiji: Ran-Ran couldn't make it to the meeting so he's in his room with Luna.

Otoya: We all know that Rei-chan.

Natsuki: Piyo Piyo Piyo-chan......

Ai: I wouldn't wake up Ranmaru if I were you Natsuki.

Ren: But the meeting is not over yet. Get back downstairs Shinomi.

Natsuki: Okay.

Ai: So, Otoya. About your duet with the leader of the Heavens.

Ren: Ikki did a good performance with him!

Otoya: Ren! He's asking me not you.

Natsuki: Piyo Piyo Piyo-chan....

Ai: Second warning Natsuki.

Natsuki: I'm luring Luna to join in Maru-chan-senpai's place.

Tokiya: By singing a weird song about a yellow chick.

Natsuki: Luna likes my commercial for the Piyo-chan Eggs.

Ai: She's not joining us Natsuki. Get back downstairs or else you'll be sleeping with me in my bedroom.

Camus: And take off that weird visor off your head Shinomiya.

Natsuki: But Luna gave to me as a present.....

Camus: Take it off!

Natsuki: Fine.

Ai: Cecil, What about your duet with one of Heavens?

Cecil: Well, Shion was a great duet partner despite being introverted.

Reiji: I never noticed he was an introvert.

Cecil: His personality didn't clash with mine.

Luna: Be quiet. Ranmaru is still asleep, Find a Netflix show or something quiet to do.

Natsuki: Piyo Piyo Piyo-chan.......

Camus: Take off that weird visor!!!!!!!

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