Six Gravity

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All (except Hajime): Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Mutsuki! Happy birthday to you!

Hajime: Thanks everyone! I bet all the presents are from my fans including Shun.

Haru: Of course. The biggest one is from Shun.

Aoi: Also for Kasumi and Tsukiko!

Hajime: Are they coming to the party?

Aoi: Of course they're going!

Arata: Also Tsukiko is performing your song Hyorin Shiki.

Hajime: How did you know that?

Arata: Me and Satsuki heard her in the recording booth.

Aoi: She was practicing for her performance.

Hajime: You guys are wrong!

Arata and Aoi: What do you mean?

Hajime: She's wearing her cosplay of Louis Kisaragi and singing I Know Shangri-La.

Koi: Are you talking about me?

Arata: We're not talking about you Pink Head! We're talking about a different Kisaragi!

Haru: Now, now Uduki. Don't piss off Kisaragi during the leader of Six Gravity's special day.

Arata: He's not here to notice that!

Aoi: Stop staring at Kisaragi like that. You know Mutsuki hates it when you guys fight.

Arata: He started it!

Hajime: You wouldn't abuse Kisaragi if I were you.

Arata: Sorry!!!!!!!!

Kakeru: Happy birthday to Mutsuki! Happy birthday to Mutsuki~!

Hajime: It looks like you got me my favorite sweets for the party tonight.

Kakeru: I'll give you one for you. Happy birthday to the king of Six Gravity!

Haru: Don't go to Uduki's bedroom. He's sulking after the petty abuse of him and Kisaragi.

Kakeru: I won't go there.

Haru: Happy birthday to my best friend and partner. The squire of Six Gravity gives the king his birthday present for him to indulge in.

Hajime: Thanks Yayoi. I appreciate it.

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