Quartet Night

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Haruka: Ranmaru's got abs!

Luna: Open the flood gates of Heaven
Let it rain.....

Ranmaru: Okay, Luna. You can stop singing that song right now.

Luna: Sorry Mr. Kurosaki. I was excited that me and Nanami are going to the beach with you and the rest of Quartet Night.

Ranmaru: Reiji is still busy getting dressed, Ai is busy packing his belongings, and Camus is packing some towels and books for himself.

Reiji: Ai-Ai, Is your body immune to water?

Ai: My body is connected to my past self. Despite being an android version of my past self, I never self-destruct when I touch the water. I just feel the water like every human being does.

Camus: Ordinary androids stopped working when they get hit by water, Unlike Mikaze.

Ai: Like I said, I'm connected to my past self. So I can feel human emotions despite being a android.

Reiji: Otoyan and the rest of Starish are waiting for us, So we have to go!

All (except Reiji.): Okay!

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