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All (except Akane.): Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Akane. Happy birthday to you!

Akane: Thanks you guys! I appreciate it!

Matsuri: Happy birthday to you! You belong in a zoo. You look like a monkey and you smell like one too!

Tsubaki: Matsuri, You shouldn't sing that song to the birthday girl. That'll make her feel bad.

Matsuri: Sorry about that Akane.

Akane: It's fine. Just don't do it again on my next birthday.

Reina: Guess what me and Mr. Kannaduki got for you!

Akane: A completed 3D puzzle of Mario!

Reina: I spent the night at the Procellarum dorm when making this.

Yuno: Look what me and Rui got for you.

Akane: The latest album from Yuyoyuppe! You shouldn't have!

Mizuki: Kai and I got you the latest album from NCT 127. Kai noticed that you're also a fan of this group.

Akane: Thanks Mizuki.

Tsubaki: Dai is here to give you a surprise from your male representative.

Akane: A silver necklace with a yellow heart with the chorus part of Koganeiro written on it. Thanks Mr. Kurotsuki!

Akane: This is the best birthday ever!

Akane: Houkago no kane doko ka de naru. Kyuujitsu mo kurete.....

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