Ranmaru Kurosaki

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Ranmaru Kuronomikado: Dammit. Where do they get off throwing their weight around like that?

Ranmaru Kuronomikado: I shouldn't have been so lenient. This is my fault. I've gotta be more careful of the people around me.

Ranmaru Kuronomikado: What the hell, Reiji? Wipe that goddamn smile off your face.

Ranmaru Kuronomikado: What? I should be more grateful to those who rescued me? Yeah, I suppose the dog does deserve a nice, juicy steak. He was the star of the show, after all.

Ranmaru Kuronomikado: All right, all right. I get it already! You can each ask ONE thing of me. Satisfied?!

Ranmaru Kuronomikado: Yeah, I'm about to head back. Stop bothering me with calls about every tiny update.

Ranmaru Kuronomikado: Huh? What's that white cat doing curled up in the alley like that?

Ranmaru Kuronomikado: Hey, you. What's up, you hungry?

Ranmaru Kuronomikado: It's got a collar... Did your owner abandon you out here? Or did you run away?

Ranmaru Kuronomikado: I know a lot of guys like that. If that's your path in life, you gotta go out and own it.

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