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Kai: Shimotsuki, it looks like it's our turn to cook dinner.

Shun: So it is.

Kai: I want everyone to try something I've been really into recently. So I was thinking of making of shadow goose meat and egg lasagna.

Shun: Mmhm, good idea.

Kai: First we need to make the sauce. Place onions, mince, and tomatoes in the frying pan. Then add stock, salt, pepper, and sugar while stirring.

Shun: Okay, You're doing well.

Kai: Okay, now to try it. *glug* *nom* *nom* Hmm...Err... I'm still not sure... I'll try some more. *glug* *glug* *glug*

Shun: You're taste testing straight from the frying pan?

Kai: Hmm, I think I need to try some more. *glug*

Shun: That's a big taste test.

Kai: All right.

Shun: Do you have a better idea of the flavor yet?

Kai: One more taste.

Shun: Another?!

Kai: *glug* *glug* *glug* *glug* *glug*

Shun: Are you sure you're not just drinking the sauce?

Kai: Okay, this should be all right! It's perfect!

Shun: Congratulations on figuring out the flavor. However, the sauce, it's all gone.

Kai: What?!

Shun: Maybe that was one too many taste tests.

Kai: I just wanted everyone to enjoy something that was truly delicious.

Shun: Your heart is in the right place but...

Kai: Let's make it one more time. First, onion, mince, and tomatoes in the frying pan. Then stock, salt, pepper, and sugar while stirring.

Shun: Okay. You're doing well.

Kai: Okay, one little tast- *glug* *glug* *glug*

Shun: Straight from the frying pan again...

Kai: *glug*

Shun: This one's long.

Kai: *gulp*

Shun: I-I'm sure that's enough. I-I think you can stop now. That's way too many big of a taste. Isn't it hot?! Wait, wait. Hold on. Give it a break. Stop!

Kai: Aaaaaah!

Shun: You drank it all...

Kai: Pheeeew! Time for another.

Shun: Hey...

Kai: Oh, sorry. You wanted a taste too, didn't you Shimotsuki?

Shun: No, that's not at all it! We're not going to get past making the sauce at this rate!

Kai: Right... The goal is to make a lasagna... *munch* This time, I'll cut back on how much I try.

Shun: You say as you literally bite into one of the onions! You're appetite is as terrifying as ever.

Kai: *munch* I seriously want to make everyone something nice to eat. *munch* *munch* This is good *munch* *munch*

Shun: Okay, I've got it. I'll watch over your taste tests.

Kai: Does that mean you'll test my taste tests?

Shun: Yes, this will be a "taste test test."

Kai: Got it. But you've got to let me investigate whether this "taste test test" is fair or not.

Shun: So you're going to test my "taste test test"?

Kai: Yes, it will be "taste test test test".

Shun: Sounds fair enough.

Kai: Okay, let's make the sauce. Frying pan, onion, mince, tomato. Stock, salt, pepper, sugar, stir.

Shun: Okay you're doing well.

Kai: Here I go. I'm taking the ladle and tasting the sauce.

Shun: "Taste test test" ⁠⁠— start! First, this ladle is way too big! Use this spoon.

Kai: "Taste test test test" ⁠⁠— launch! That spoon is way too small! I'm using this spoon.

Shun: "Taste test test test test" ⁠— is a go! THAT spoon is way too big! It's basically another ladle! Use this spoon.

Kai: "Taste test test test test test" ⁠⁠— initiated!


Kai: Minaduki...

Rui: Is dinner ready yet? We're starving out here.

Shun: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Kai: We'll get right into it!

Rui: I, uh, okay whatever I guess.

Kai: I'll make enough for everyone to taste test!

Rui: Give us dinner, not taste test!

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