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(Otoya and Tokiya are in the living room of the dorm of Quartet Night.)

Otoya: It looks like Rei-chan is really busy today.

Tokiya: I know. He's at the studio with the rest of Quartet Night. Maybe they're practicing for their TV performance that we're going to watch.

Otoya: Are you sure that we're watching it? Is this what Rei-chan told us to do?

Tokiya: Of course, We're the show's virtual audience.

Otoya: Virtual audience?! Does that mean we can't see Rei-chan and the rest of Quartet Night in person.

Tokiya: We can see Kotobuki-san fine on the TV.
Oh no! It's starting!

(The girl is standing on the stage wearing Asmo's angel outfit, Singing Loveless.)

Otoya: Who's that girl? She looks like Haruka.

Tokiya: She's not Haruka. She's a idol who a fan of Quartet Night who was chosen to be the opening act for them.

Otoya: I noticed that Rei-chan has her songs on his MP3 player.

Tokiya: Now I see Kotobuki-san, Mikaze-san, Kurosaki-san, and Camus-san.

(The group sang Quartet Night. Otoya was dancing and lip-syncing to Reiji's parts.)

Tokiya: Otoya, Don't mess around too much.

(Then Evolution Eve. And Otoya was eating leftovers from dinner he and Tokiya had with Reiji.)

Otoya: I'm going to take a shower.

Tokiya: The solo songs are next.

Otoya: I know that!

(After Otoya's shower. The solo songs started.)

Tokiya: First one is Kotobuki-san.

Otoya: Rei-chan is awesome!

Tokiya: He practiced so hard.

(When Ai's solo song was playing, Otoya was asleep except Tokiya.)

Tokiya: Mikaze-san is awesome! His dance moves are not as bad as mine.

(Tokiya following Ai's dance moves.)

Tokiya: Dang it, He's so fast!

(Reiji came home from the performance and noticed Otoya and Tokiya asleep on the couch.)

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