Luna and Kasumi #14

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Luna: Wow! You are really exhausted.

Kasumi: We stayed up all night during Iku's birthday. Poor Rui was in a foul mood after Iku's midnight concert at the university.

Luna: I hope he doesn't kill his partner for staying up too late.

Kasumi: He was mad at Shun for making the rest of the members stay up for Iku's birthday.

Luna: I hope Tsukiko is in a foul mood too.

Kasumi: She's not. She slept with Rui at the end of the midnight party.

Kasumi: But he hit her with a pillow to wake her up.

Luna: I bet he'll hit the pillow to wake up Iku.

Kasumi: But Kai managed to cheer up Rui by listening to his songs.

Kasumi: I better get back to the Procellarum Dormitory.

Luna: See you later!

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