Natsuki and Luna

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Luna: I can't believe me and Haruka is spending the night with Starish! I wonder which boy I would sleep with!

Natsuki: Hello Luna-san!

Luna: Hey Natsuki.

Luna: Where's the rest of Starish?

Natsuki: They are practicing with Tsukimiya-sensei.

Luna: I hope they don't take long.

Natsuki: Me too. I was going to play Just Dance with Tokiya-kun.

Luna: So Haruka is with the rest of Starish for the session with Tsukimiya-sensei.

Natsuki: Rei-chan-senpai, Maru-chan-senpai, Ai-chan, and Myu-chan-senpai are in the session too.

Luna: All four members of Quartet Night?

Natsuki: Absolutely. Since you and Haruka are spending the night with us, You'll be sleeping with me and Syo-chan.

Luna: That'll be cool.

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