Ai and Luna

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Ai: When I saw the Prince Kaguya musical, I noticed that Kaguya's stage name was named after you.

Luna: For real?

Ai: Of course. It's a great name.

Luna: That's strange. Where's Reiji, Ranmaru, and Camus?

Ai: They are getting ready for the showcase. I've gotten ready myself.

Luna: I can see you and the rest of Quartet Night are shirtless.

Ai: It's kind of embarrassing. But I can pull it off.

Luna: When I checked on Ranmaru, His abs though....

Ai: You should interrupt Ranmaru when gets dressed.

Luna: He didn't mind me coming to his room while he's shirtless.

Ai: I took a picture of Reiji and Ranmaru wading in the ocean. But Camus photobombed me.

Luna: Why did he photobombed it?

Ai: He told me to stop taking photos of Reiji and Ranmaru.

Luna: How many pictures of Reiji and Ranmaru did you take?

Ai: A lot. I normally put the pictures on the bulletin board where the spare bed is at.

Luna: But Camus told you to stop taking pictures of Reiji and Ranmaru.

Ai: At least he's teaching me a lesson of how not to take took much pictures.

Luna: Are you guys performing Quartet Crown?

Ai: How did you know the song that we are performing?

Luna: Me and Nanami heard it when it debuted on the radio. I hope you're not mad at me for spoiling it.

Ai: I'm not mad at you for spoiling the song.

Luna: Good. I can't wait for your performance with the rest of Quartet Night.

Ai: I hope you like it!

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