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Luna: What are doing Otoya? What's with the green streamers and balloons?

Otoya: We're celebrating both Halloween and Cecil's birthday.

Luna: Cecil's birthday on Halloween? That's kind of weird.

Otoya: Cecil's my adopted brother so myself and the rest of Starish celebrate Halloween and his birthday.

Luna: Where's the rest of Starish?

Otoya: Ren is gone to the store to buy some candy, Masa is getting more wrapping paper for the presents, Natsuki and Syo are at the dorm of Quartet Night baking the birthday cake with Ai-senpai, and Tokiya's taking a nap.

Luna: What happened to him last night?

Otoya: He didn't sleep well last night.

Luna: I bet he's in a foul mood when he woke up this morning.

Otoya: He is fine. After drinking his morning coffee.

Ren: You should've seen a lot of candy that I bought  at Sweets Fantasia.

Otoya: The candy shop that me and Cecil worked at during the grand opening of the mall?

Ren: Yep. And I even had a hamburger in that place that me and Ran-chan worked at.

Otoya: Did you get ice cream at the place that Natsuki and Ai-senpai work at?

Ren: I even got a crepe from the creperie that Ochibi-chan and Baron worked at for Tokiya.

Luna: That's a lot of candy drops.

Ren: That is Cesshi's favorite candy. I even got the biggest gummy bear that Shinomi wished for.

Luna: I wonder how much he'll eat it.

Tokiya: It's for a eating contest for Aijima-san.

Ren: How's your nap Icchi?

Tokiya: It's was better than the last one I had yesterday.

Ren: I hope Cesshi would be stuffed after eating that gummy bear.

Tokiya: Or maybe make his stomach hurt.

Luna: Or maybe vomit.

Ren, Otoya, Tokiya: Ewwwwww!

Luna: It happens when you overeat.

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