Quartet Night

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(Quartet Night.....But they don't know how to sleep.)

Reiji: Ran-Ran, You are supposed to go to bed.

Ranmaru: It's my fault. I should've went to bed in the same time as you did.

Reiji: Be please quiet. You'll wake up Ai-Ai and Myu-chan if your voice is raised.

Ranmaru: How's Tokiya and Otoya?

Reiji: They're fine. We watched my favorite anime and had pizza for lunch.

Ranmaru: Did you also eat the cake that I made yesterday?

Reiji: It's was delicious.

(Ai wakes up and rubs his eyes.)

Ai: Reiji, Ranmaru! It's 12:00 in the morning. Go to your bedrooms and sleep.

(Camus pops up as well.)

Camus: Kurosaki, Since you stayed up with Kotobuki. You will do a early workout session with me in the morning.

Ranmaru: You always lecture my movements I do.

Ai: You and Camus will do a 30 minute workout. I'll bring a stopwatch just in case.

Camus: And Kotobuki is going to watch your every move and Mikaze, don't bring your stopwatch.

Ai: Okay.

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