Six Gravity

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Arata: Wow! Nice job on the decorations Satsuki. Did Pink Head help you?

Aoi: Kisaragi is busy with Shiwasu making the birthday banner.

Arata: Where's Mutsuki and Yayoi?

Aoi: They're gone to get presents. You've heard what Mutsuki said about the decorations yesterday. I do the decorations, Kisaragi and Shiwasu do the birthday banner, Mutsuki and Yayoi get presents, and you make thank-you notes for your fandom.

Arata: Me and Togawa did the thank-you notes last night.

Aoi: Oh you did the thank-you notes early.

Arata: Also, Togawa and the rest of Fluna are coming to celebrate my birthday. Togawa is going to give me a special birthday present.

Aoi: Also Rui is singing the birthday song for you.

Arata: Minaduki is singing the birthday song for me? That's going to be awesome!

Koi: He's also singing Rainy Moment for the performance for Chisa's birthday.

Arata: Pink Head! Stop spoiling Togawa's birthday.

Hajime: Kisaragi! Uduki!

Aoi: Guys, Stop fighting! Mutsuki is on his way.

Kakeru: You guys are trying to ruin the birthday banner that me and Kisaragi worked so hard on.

Koi: Well, he was about to ruin it. He doesn't like how I drew the cherry tree.

Aoi: The way you draw the cherry tree is not what he's mad about. He's mad at you for spoiling what Rui is doing for Chisa for her birthday.

Arata: Thanks for correcting that Satsuki.

Aoi: You're welcome Uduki.

Haru: Nice cherry tree drawing.

Kakeru: Yep. It represents Uduki's fandom.

Arata: Me and Togawa's fandom is like the flowers of a cherry tree together but not separated. Our fandom name is Latin for cherry tree. April is one of the months of Spring. After the party, I'm bringing Togawa, Minaduki, and the rest of Procellarum and rest of Six Gravity to the park to view the cherry trees in the park beside the Six Gravity dormitory.

Aoi: He always does this every year on his birthday. I  always like seeing the blooming of the cherry trees from the the park to celebrate my best friend's birthday.

Arata: Thanks Satsuki. I appreciate it.

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