Starish (ft. Quartet Night)

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Luna and Haruka: Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Otoya. Happy birthday to you!

Otoya: Thanks guys! I appreciate it!

Tokiya: I wonder when Kotobuki-san will come here to give you the special present.

Ai: He's still coming. He told me, Ranmaru, and Camus to come here without him.

Ranmaru: He's going to be a walking present. He does this every year on Otoya's birthday.

Luna: Do I hear a door banging?

Camus: That must be Kotobuki. His hands can't reach the door.

Reiji: Otoyan, Can you please open the door for me?

Otoya: Sure thing Rei-chan!

Reiji: You still know the basics of me as a walking present?

Natsuki: Your fedora is covering the ribbon.

Otoya: Natsuki, He's asking me not you.

Natsuki: Sorry Otoya-kun.

Reiji: Otoyan, My fedora is covering the ribbon on my head. Can you please take it off and put it on Ai-Ai's lap please?

Otoya: There you go, Ai-senpai.

Reiji: Otoyan, Now that the fedora is in the way of the ribbon on my head, Untangle the ribbon and unwrap the present.

Otoya: Okay then.

Reiji: Surprise!

Ai: Reiji, Where's your shirt?

Reiji: I forgot to put it back on when I put on the jacket and pants.

Ranmaru: At least the suit jacket covered his nips.

Camus: I'm afraid if Kotobuki unbuttoned the jacket and flashes the nips, I'll leave this room to go back to our room to read a novel.

Luna: You, Ai, and Ranmaru did that too. When you guys were in the cover of Idol Playboy magazine.

Camus: Especially in our performance of Quartet Crown. It's really embarrassing.

Ai: I feel you too Camus. Everyone who saw the picture sees a naked android.

Natsuki: Do you still have the body of your past self?

Ai: I still do. Ever since my past self died, Their soul was synchronized to my body. Their appearance is my own.

Reiji: Ai-Ai, We all know the backstory of how your past self committed suicide due to the stress of being an idol. That's when I was a student in Saotome Academy before it became a boarding school for upcoming idols.

Ranmaru: Guys, Can you please stop the sad story about Ai and enjoy Otoya's birthday.

Reiji: Sorry Ran-Ran.

Ai: Sorry everyone.

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