Starish (ft. Quartet Night)

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Reiji: Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Tokki. Happy birthday to you!

Tokiya: Thanks Kotobuki-san.

Otoya: I bet you brought the birthday cake for Tokiya that Ranmaru-senpai made.

Reiji: Ran-Ran is busy with finishing touches of the cake. Ai-Ai will bring it you when he finishes it.

Luna: I also noticed that Eiji is not coming to the party cause he and his brother have a cold.

Tokiya: That means you can sing Eiji's parts cause we're singing.......

Otoya: What?

Tokiya: Mighty Aura!

Reiji: So Luna is filling for one of guys of the Heavens?

Tokiya: I had to ask Luna to hear the song to get the feel of the beat and lyrics.

Otoya: I remembered seeing Tokiya and Eiji onstage singing that song. I watched on TV in backstage.

(Many hours later.......)

Ai: Before we have cake, Here's a performance of Mighty Aura from Tokiya Ichinose and Eiji Otori!

Ranmaru: Hey! That's not Luna.

Luna: He told me that his brother was the one catching a cold. He's okay.


Reiji: That song is a total vibe!

Ranmaru: I know right?

futari... uta no muku mama Uh...

Mighty wind
Mighty shine......)

All (except Tokiya): Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Tokiya. Happy birthday to you!

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