Arata Uduki and Chisa Togawa

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Arata: Man, cleaning the shower in the dormitory bathroom is such as a hassle. I bet Mutsuki would be impressed.

Chisa: Are you done cleaning the shower Mr. Arata?

Arata: Yup. I hope Mutsuki is impressed of how I cleaned it.

Chisa: I just got a call from Wakaba. She's with Aoi buying something for your birthday tomorrow.

Arata: So Satsuki's getting something for me. I bet it's something that I like.

Chisa: So does Haduki.

Arata: You mean one of the members of Procellarum?

Chisa: He's going to get you something too.

Arata: Let's hope it's not intimate stuff.

Chisa: Also Hajime is getting you something too.

Arata: I wonder what he's going to get me.

Chisa: What about Koi?

Arata: I'm not getting presents from that stupid Pink Head!

Chisa: Sorry I made you mad Mr. Arata.

Arata: It's fine Togawa. I just don't like Kisaragi that's all.

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