Luna and Haruka #1

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Luna: Cecil's birthday is on Halloween? That's weird.

Haruka: Not to Otoya.

Luna: I've seen him decorating the dorm with his color and I noticed that Natsuki and Syo didn't come back to the dorm.

Haruka: Ai told me on the phone that the birthday cake for Cecil is put up in two parts. In the first part, He called Natsuki and Syo to make Cecil out of modeling clay to put on top the cake. But the cake itself is going to be made by Ranmaru.

Luna: So Ranmaru's making the cake.

Haruka: Of course. He remembered the cake he made for Ren for his birthday. He's doing the same thing for Cecil except the cake is green instead of orange.

Luna: I bet it's the same cake he made for Reiji for his birthday.

Haruka: I think so. But he made a chocolate cake version of it. Because Reiji loves chocolate.

Luna: So he's making a vanilla cake for Cecil.

Haruka: Of course.

Luna: Why are you laughing?

Haruka: Natsuki and Syo got covered in cake flour. Ai took a picture of it.

Luna: I also noticed Ranmaru did a selfie with Natsuki and Syo. But Camus photobombed it.

Haruka: It's one of his usual pranks.

Luna: Well, I'm ready to celebrate Halloween and Cecil's birthday.

Haruka: Me too.

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