Six Gravity

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Hajime: The squire of Six Gravity's birthday is upon us. He'll get a very luxurious gift from the king.

Arata: Is that what you got for Yayoi Haji-king?

Hajime: Would you please stop calling me by that nickname. Only my fans call me Haji-king.

Arata: My bad. Satsuki and I are going to be using the living room to watch the latest episode of the variety show that Minaduki is hosting.

Hajime: That's fine. But please don't touch the presents that I got for Yayoi. Also, don't talk to Yayoi when you see him.

Aoi: We won't talk to him Mutsuki. Um, why aren't we talking to Yayoi when we see him?

Hajime: We're throwing him a surprise party. I've decided to keep the surprise as a secret. So don't tell him!

Aoi: So we won't tell him....

Hajime: So you won't spoil the secret.

Arata and Aoi: Will do!

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