Six Gravity

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Haru: I can't wait for the Christmas party!

Koi: Me too! It'll be awesome!

Arata: Yayoi, Where's Mutsuki?

Haru: He's gone to get a Christmas tree.

Arata: He didn't bring Satsuki with him did he?

Haru: Nope. He's gone by himself.

Aoi: Don't worry Uduki. I'm still here.

Arata: I know that.

Kakeru: He's also getting a present for Kurisu.

Koi: You mean the female representative of December who's birthday is on Christmas Day?

Kakeru: You're absolutely correct Kisaragi! She's one of best friends the first one is you.

Koi: Aww! Thanks!

Hajime: I found this big Christmas tree!

Aoi: I hope it's not as big as my dad usually gets.

Arata: It's not as big as your dad's tree.

Hajime: I even found some led lights for it.

Haru: Does it have our colors?

Hajime: Of course it does.

Koi: Shiwasu, Where you going?

Kakeru: I'm giving a present for Kasumi and Rui.

Arata: I'm the one giving the present to Minaduki. You get Kasumi's present.

Kakeru: Fine.

Hajime: I'm also giving Shun a present.

Haru: You're giving a present to the Demon Lord of Procellarum?

Hajime: Of course Yayoi. He's my fan.

Haru: Like your biggest fan?

Hajime: Yep.

Arata: I better give my present to Minaduki.

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